Monday, March 26, 2007

We're back...

...from our visit/vacation in the Philippines and Hongkong. Four weeks went by so quickly but we had a great time. Only, it was really warm, very warm..about 30-35 degrees. Now back to reality and oh it is still very cold here especially as it's windy. Got a few commitments (for exchanges & Quilting) to finish so i won't be online much and might be called to work extra days too these coming days.
I will try to upload a few pictures sometime these week.


anna s. said...

Welcome back, Mylene, you've been missed! I hope you'll post a detailed report with photos the day you have time :) There are still a few days to send the PS exchange :) (reminder, reminder!) - hugs, anna

Lillie said...

Glad to have you back and blogging again. Hope you had a wonderful hoidays.

Margaret said...

Welcome back Mylene. Hope you had an amazing time. Looking forward to hearing/seeing all about it when you have time.

mainely stitching said...

Welcome home, Mylene!!! Spring can't be too far away.... ;)

Von said...

I'm glad you're safely home, Mylene. It takes awhile to get back into the swing of regular life again, doesn't it?! I'm looking forward to hearing about your vacation and seeing some great pictures. :D

Dawn T. said...

I'm looking forward to posts and pics about your trip. :)

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...