Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Needlerolls!!

The whole serie are done!! I do love how all these designs finished into needlerolls. ((you can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want))

These were the last two-April and May completed.

Birthstone & flower samplers
From a booklet of The World of Cross Stitching
(no designers was given)
Stitched on 28ct white evenweave
DMC threads

Here is the picture of the booklet where the designs are. It came with the magazine "The World of Cross Stitiching" a couple of years ago. It wasn't stated though who designed these charts.

Evchen, many thanks for the lovely comment about me and hubby. Can't find your e-mail address so hope you visit here again, we have our ups and downs but Yes-we do have quite a good relationship and we love spending time together.

I hope everyone's having a wonderful week. Thanks so much for visiting and all the kind comments. I really appreciate them all.

Monday, April 26, 2010

some flowers and updates

Been out for a drive here on the island the other sunday in seach of fields of Tulips but we had only seen a few fields of daffodils, think the Tulips aren't in bloom yet.

Yesterday, we went to a friends birthday just for coffee and saw this field of tulips on the way.

The kids are with their friends so after the coffee we decided to stopped at one of the restaurant along the small forest here for lunch.

A small finish from the Cricket Collection for Lynda's RR. This is the last of the RR's and i am so glad it is now all done, though later than it was planned.

Look at this lovely threads that i've won at Jackie's blog contest. Thank you, thank you so much, Jackie.

And this lovely card, a very nice surprise from Gerda upon returning a chart she've borrowed a while back. Looking at it...sure miss making cards!

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to all who come and visit my blog. All your comment are very special to me.

Monday, April 19, 2010

X'mas ornament with beads! (how to..)

Thought to share a few pictures how i made my x'mas monthly SAL ornaments. I am afraid they are not clear as i had expected but do hope it can help for anyone who is interested to try this kind of finishing. Please, feel free to ask any question. ((you can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want.))

Santa's and Snowmen ornament
Prairie Schooler design
32ct Zweigart Belfast Naturel linen
DMC threads

Thanks so much to all of you for the kind comments and i sure appreciate your visits. I hope everyone's having a wonderful week!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wedding Sampler is done!

The Wedding bells Sampler
designed by: Lesley Teare
featured at Cross Stitch Crazy, June 2006
14ct Aida
DMC threads

I am glad this is finished, i can move on to other projects which is very slow...Bright and sunny here last days so been out for walks and try to work in the garden.

When i went to pick up hubby last wednesday, we took another route back to the ferry, i had expected to see field of Tulips but had seen mostly fields of hyacinths and Daffodils. Can't get closer to get pictures. I think we have some flower fields here too on the island, hope to drive around later this week before it's all over.
Chris with a wet hair as he just out from the shower after the football game. With all the catching up for football games and at the same time for Chris guitar lesson we had ask the other players if they will have the game earlier so Chris can join the group and be able to attend his guitar lesson too afterwards. We would rather not skip the guitar lesson as that is more expensive than the games.
Practising here early this evening. He started taking the lesson last September with Acoustic guitar and this year he's allowed to use electric guitar. He likes it though not wanted to sing, which is really a pity....

Thank you all so much for your continued visits on my blog and for taking the time to leave me a comment. They mean so much to me! I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I am so spoiled!!

Such great packages came in here lately. They did mentioned they sent packages for me but not the contents so still a wonderful surprise to open and see all the lovely goodies.

First, this one from Suzanne all the way from Canada. Can you see the 2 lovely flower pins on the rose purse-sort off purse as i don't know how you call this. Thank you very much, Suzanne.

Next came the package from Anita, with a couple of designs from my wishlist and lovely handdyed a couple of her crocheted dishclothes, aren't they lovely. Many, many thanks Anita.

And last came Julie's giveaway. I also expected the beautiful pinkeep but this.....
adorable bunny was a total surprise! I've admired her bunnies ever since she started doing them and i am really thrilled to actually own one. Thank you so much, Julie.
I do hope you all got my e-mails.

The girls came this afternoon after school except one as she has the flu. Suppose to be only thursday but it's their last week now to complete the design they started as they have to deliver it on monday to one of the parent who will fix it to the quilt they are making.
Took these pictures of the girls during our first session. And one of the piece they were working on was left here as i promised to finish the backstitching for her-she find that very difficult. They will be here on thursday for the last session.
Here's a picture of the sampler i am working, sorry as it looks crumpled- i've shown it this afternoon and was in a hurry to set it aside....The girls were very chatty while i did most of the frogging they did at home and the hours pass by.....
Next time i know, it was 5pm and had to hurry up for Chris football match at 6pm. They had missed lots of the games last winter because of the weather so they are now catching up twice a week!

Another surprise i got today...hubby called i am going to pick him up tomorrow. The ship is back from Scotland yesterday and there were some rearrangement made for the crew. So after two weeks away he's coming home for 3 weeks and then he'll be joining another ship probably one outside the country. Actually, he's finally got back his old position, as Captain. More than 15 years ago, he had to stopped working in the dredging business due to health reasons and never expected to return again so he didn't bother to renew his papers. A couple of years ago he re-studied with the help of the company he is now working and got back his papers or certificates.

I might be slow visiting everyone's blog as it's been pretty busy here this week and need to work on the sampler when i get the chance but will do catch up...
Thank you all so much for your continued visits on my blog and for taking the time to leave me a comment. They mean so much to me! I hope you are all having a wonderful week.

Friday, April 09, 2010

NO internet for a day...& WIP's

We haven't had internet connection for more than a day and i heard some parts of North Holland too. There was a broken cable somewhere in amsterdam mid-afternoon yesterday.

Anyone waiting for a message from me-don't think i am ignoring the messages, i just don't have connection... what have i done instead, stitched...stitched!

Here is my progress on "Peace inside". The left picture is the new update. Thought, i better add where i had stopped before so you can see the progress made. ((you can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want))

Finished 'April' on "My little heart" SAL. This SAL can be seen at Sylvia's blog.
This is a Wedding Sampler i just started for Chris teacher who is getting married next month. I hope to finish it sometime next week, so this is my priority for the moment. It doesn't stitch quick as there were so many colour changes but i love the design. The backstitching were not many but lots and lots of frenchknots!
I am teaching four girls of the class too as they wanted to stitch a small piece for their teacher, they've been here three times now for a couple of hours and they are getting better and better, the first and second meet up were lots of frogging though- i have to do it. They are only 10 years old but they are eager to learn.

Before i end... A Happy Birthday to my wonderful husband! It's his birthday today. He is currently away for work and be home end of this month.

Thank you all so much for your continued visits on my blog and for taking the time to leave me a comment. They mean so much to me! Wishing you all a lovely weekend!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

monthly ornament-march & a needleroll

I've stitched these last february and only done the finishing sometime last month.

Santa's and Snowmen ornament
Prairie Schooler design
32ct Zweigart Belfast Naturel linen
DMC threads

March Birthstone & flower samplers
From a booklet of The World of Cross Stitching
(no designers was given)
Stitched on 28ct white evenweave
DMC threads

Took a picture of the booklet where i got the designs for the needlerolls as a few had asked where i got it.

"A" Tulip Alphabet
Designed by Susan Bates
featured-TWOC issue 71 May 2003
32ct zweigart linen
DMC threads

Also a picture of the magazine where the Tulip Alphabet was featured.

Thanks so much to all of you for the kind comments and i sure appreciate your visits. I hope everyone's having a wonderful week!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

A bit of stitching update.

I haven't done much stitching last month, the two fobs/ornaments were finished last february for a couple of exchanges and now both are safely received.

This one sent to Pascale in Belgium for the Easter exchange from the Dutch Yahoo group.

I received this one in return from Ingrid all the way from Belgium!

Sent this one to Ruth for our private exchange as we agreed on a small spring ornament.

With the Alphabet i haven't fully finished the block i should accomplish for the month of March. The whole bloom along with the backstitching. Hopefully, will get to finish the whole piece by the end of April.

Thank you all so much for visiting and all the kind comments especially regarding my post about Max. It really touches me and hubby too as he had been reading my post lately-being away from home.

I wish you all a very happy and blessed Easter!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...