Thursday, April 01, 2010

Thank you all!

Thank you all for the kind words and emails. I know we made the right choice for Max, no matter how much it hurt us to let him go. It helped to know we were in your thoughts and prayers, so again, thank you so much. Just thinking about him brings tears to my eyes....
((You can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want)) Max and Grace- one of the first picture taken when he started coming here the year 2007.

Summer 2007- at the dyke here very close to our house, hubby and kids wanted to take Max to swim but he wouldn't even touch the water.

We always go to the dike for his walks even if it's raining and at midbight..though not me-when hubby isn't around.

Just me and Chris tonight, hubby left for Scotland very early this morning-his four weeks leave was over, now for this term he is expected to be away for three weeks.
Grace and lots of other students will be on their way to Disneyland around midnight. Just a day at disney tomorrow and then back with the bus friday night and be home saturday morning. Weather is pretty windy at the moment, i just hope they have a safe journey.

Wishing you all a wonderful week.


Annette said...

Ik hoop dat het allemaal goed gaat met jullie. Het is toch even heftig.
Jammer dat DH weer weg is, gelukkig komt hij gauw weer terug.
Het zijn prachtige foto's van Max, jullie hebben veel liefde van elkaar ontvangen. Wat een mooie herrinneringen zullen jullie aan hem hebben

Maggie said...

You have so many lovely photos of Max to remember him by Mylene, he was a lovely looking dog. Do you think you may get a dog of your own someday?

I hope you daughter has a great time in Dysneyland!

The weather in the UK is not too good either, wind, rain and we even had a little sleet and snow yesterday!! The Bank holiday dosen't looks as though i'ts going to be much better.

Take care x

Sandra said...

Honey I'm sorry about Max, just read the news. It's hard to let go, but we have to think of the best for them.

You're on my prayers, hope you will get comfort soon.


Annie said...

This post is such a nice tribute to Max and how much you loved him.

Deb said...

I know that you loved Max dearly - it shows in all your wonderful pictures!!! I can't believe that your husband's four weeks leave is over - that went by so fast. I hope that you have a wonderful and blessed Easter Mylene.

Olga said...

Max was such a nice dog! Hugs...
I hope your daughter has a safe and wonderful trip.
Take care.

Lisa S said...

So sorry to hear about Max Mylene.
I know it was a very hard decision to make but you did the best thing for him. I had to make that same decision for my dog Wolfgang about a year ago. As sad as it is you just know it is right.
I know Max knew how much you all loved him ;) And you have such wonderful pictures and memories of him. He will always be with you all in your hearts.
I hope Grace has a wonderful time at Disney :)

Hugs to you and your family!

Carin said...

Mooie foto's van Max en jullie hebben hem heel veel liefde gegeven wat hij zeker voelde. Toch maakt dat de pijn niet minder en ik wens jullie veel sterkte.

Siobhán said...

Mylene, I've been busy with family and so am behind on my blog reading, but just saw this post and had to comment. You were a loving family to Max and gave him a wonderful life. Take solace in that, even though I know your hearts are heavy. Big hugs to all of you!

Shari said...

hugs to you as you cope. I cannot imagine how hard it was. I have been thinking of you a lot.

Jan said...

Oh Mylene, I am so very sorry to hear about Max. I just know that having you for his family, made his life here that much more special! Sending cyber hugs and prayers your way!

Brigitte said...

It must have been such a sad moment for you and your family to let him go. But you know that you made his last weeks good weeks for him. And you still have your sweet memories.

Katri said...

Like you said, even if it was hard for you, you made the right choice for Max. ((Hugs))

Sally said...

You have many wonderful memories of Max Mylene. The photos are lovely.

Kay said...


The photos are lovely. Thanks for sharing and I hope you are doing alright. said...

Lieve Mylene , door de mooie foto's en herinneringen blijft Max echt verder leven in jullie hart , maar het is zeker niet makkelijk een trouwe vriend te moeten afgeven ! Dit doet altijd erg veel pijn en er gaat wat tijd moet overgaan maar laat het een troost zijn dat hij bij jullie een warm plaatsje had en hij is jullie daar zeker dankbaar voor !!
Heel veel moed en sterkte !
Liefs Ingrid

Julie said...

How very sad for you all Mylene. I hope the pain in your heart soon heals and you are able to remeber the happier times you have shared with Max in his life, you and your family certainly made him a very happy dog.
{{big hug}}

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

I am so sorry to read about Max, Mylene. Even if for the best, it's a hard and sad thing to do. Hugs to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Loosing a pet is very hard & Max was very much your dog even because he adopted you long before you adopted him. Sending hugs.

Edit said...

The pictures are so lovely Mylene. I am sure Max was always very happy when he could spend time with you and your family.

Meari said...

Those are nice photos of Max and the family.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...