Sunday, May 02, 2010

Tulip fields!!

It has been our planned to drive around this sunday in search of Tulip fields, what a dismay when we got up quite late actually and it's been raining. Still we went out as i know soon all the flower heads will be remove. And yeah, we've seen a few that was already started removing the flowers as you can see below. (( you can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want))

Growers top the tulips about three weeks after blooming for two reasons: First, they must remove the flowers before the petals fall in the foliage. If they were to ignore this step, the dropping petals would cause the tulip plants to rot and die down before the new bulb(s) had a chance to grow. Topping also removes the seedpod from the plant, which if left would rob some of the energy that would otherwise go to the new bulb. Six to eight weeks after removing the blooms, growers usually dig the tulips and the process of drying, cleaning, grading, and temperature treating takes place. ((copied from

I am really glad we went out...aren't these AMAZING!!

Isn't it appropriate to stitch tulip designs....a very small finish lately. I am working on the Rose alphabet which should actaully completed last month. Too busy with other things though...

Thank you all so much for your continued visits on my blog and for taking the time to leave me a comment. They mean so much to me! Hope everyone's having a wonderful weekend.


stitchersanon said...

They are beautiful, very bright and a perfect site on a grey day! Love the finish.

Carol said...

Those tulips and hyacinths are breathtaking, Mylene! They definitely brightened up my rainy day here in Pennsylvania. Sure hope I get the chance to see them for myself one of these years...

What a pretty finish for Angie, too!

Berly said...

The tulips are gorgeous, Mylene! They're so cheerful & springy. And your scissor fob is pretty too.

Suburban Stitcher said...


Deb said...

Those tulips are gorgeous! It must be wonderful seeing rows and rows of tulips as far as you can see. I never knew anything about the growing process of the bulbs, so I've learned something today!

Edit said...

These tulip fields are so beautiful Mylene! I can't find words, it must be a wonderful experience to be able to see them!

And your stitched tulip is wonderful, too :)

Lillie said...

I just loved all those colors!

Annette said...

What a lovely pictures.... Love the flowers picture where your sit.
And what a cute ornie...

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely pictures of the tulips and a lovely finish.

Alice said...

Most amazing fields of tulips. The colours are breathtaking!! Thanks for sharing. : )

Kay said...

The rows of flowers are simply breathtaking! What a sight to see! The fob is adorable as well!

Annie said...

Those are spectacular photos. Must take your breath away to see those in person. I love tulips!

And that's a cute little fob too.

Julie said...

It must be a wonderful sight when you are standing there in the fields with them Mylene

The needlerolls in the pic below are fantastic, they looks so pretty all displayed together in the backet

Rita said...

Beautiful tulips!

I love your little fob too.

Debra said...

Those pictures are amazing and I bet it smells heavenly stading in all those flowers. Thanks for the info on the tulips, I never knew.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Mylene
The pictures are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them.
Have a great week.

Maggie said...

Waht lovely photos Mylene!

do you happen to know if the same applies to de-heading daffodils? The ones in my garden are past thier best now and i don't know wether to leave the heads on or take them off!!

Stephanie said...

What a fun trip, Mylene! Such beautiful tulips, too!

Irene said...

I love seeing fields of tulips, like a sea of color. Your pictures are wonderful.

Christine said...

The tulip fields are breathtaking Mylene.

Laurie K said...

WOW! A dream come true for me...that is so beautiful. You look so happy tip-toeing through the tulips! :)

Laurie in TX

Vash said...

After such a hard winter the spring flowers are late this year but well worth the wait. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Wow, simply beautiful! Love the photo's and great shots of you, my friend. I love tulips and learning more about them was fun. Thanks

Lainey said...

Wow those flowers are just beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing them with us Mylene.
Congrats on another pretty fob.

lenna said...

Those are so breath taking it is amazing to look at these beautiful flowers.
I was just thrilled with my bluebonnets but they look nothing like fields and fields of tulips. Next year I am really going to take some pictures of all the different bluebonnets.
Your stitching of the rose alphabet it nice also I love your finish.
God Bless ~

Margaret said...

Gorgeous pictures Mylene. These are especially dear to me as this is our very favorite time of the year in Holland. We were sorry to miss it this year. You made up for it. Thank you.

Siobhán said...

Wow, how beautiful! I was very interested to read about why they have to take off the tulip heads--very interesting! said...

oooohhhh wauw !!! beautiful flowers and what a beautiful pictures you have made!I love tulips ....... beautiful spring flowers

Kathy said...

The tulip fields are just breathtaking. Rainy day or not. Thank you so much for sharing these beautiful pjotos.

Shell said...

a nice little reminder of those beautiful tulips

Barb said...

Mylene the tulip fields are just so beautiful, the fob is another sweetie too.
Love your needlerolls you have been so busy.

Brigitte said...

Oh Mylene, looking at all these tulip fields must be a feast for the eays. Thanks for sharing.

Karan said...

The tulips look fabulous Mylene. Great pics. Lovely little fob finish. :0)

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...