Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Mattress pincushion!

Mattress Pincushion
Prairie Schooler Book No. 144
32ct linen
DMC threads

This was actually completed the beginning of May...recently, i am more into reading than stitching. Reading keeps my mind from thinking of my love ones who are far away, hubby now 5 weeks away..expected to be home end of next week. My constant worries about my parents...and quite busy here too with work and voluntary work for the children at school and other activities. Honestly, can't wait for summer vacation, still a couple of months away!

..cut some peonies from my garden and brought inside!

A few potted plants outdoor, would like to buy a few more but i am not sure what kind, perhaps next week as a friend had booked us a day joining a workshop which is in one of the garden center at the mainland. Just got a text message from her so i am not sure yet of the details.

Near summer vacation the kids have ussually a few different outdoor football was the first which they had to play against different school here on the island. Chris group won after 5 different games! I wasn't able to watch all the games as i had to work a couple of hours at the canteen, somebody had too(all voluntary works are quite a lot here...which is sometimes very frustrating especially now that i am back to work. Quite lots of parents are working so you really notice almost the same parents who are present when help needed! These are not common from where i came from...i wonder how is it in other countries....about voluntary works at elementary schools!!

Many thanks to all who stopped by and all the kind comments, they are very much appreciated. I know i am behind reading/visiting blogs...i am sorry, do hope to catch up soon.


Annie said...

I use reading to forget my troubles too. Thank goodness for books!

Love the sentiment on your little cushion. Lovely finishing job.

Maggie said...

What a lovely finish Mylene :-)

I'm finding it difficult to sit and stitch at the moment too, lots to do in the garden while the weather is nice, perhaps it's just the time of year.

Your flower look lovely in their tubs

Shari said...

the pincushion is gorgeous, as usual Mylene!!
And your flowers...oh my!!! So pretty!!! Congrats to Chris & his team...
As far as volunteers here.....same thing.........seems the same people do all the work & the rest you never see at all....

Bertie said...

Fabulous mattress cushion Mylene, I know it takes a while to stitch that:)job well done!
Love your flowers, I missed the tulips when I visited NL, but saw plenty of wonderful flowershops:)

Hope your Kees is home soon, 5 weeks is a long time! and yes living in another land I know it's difficult you cannot be with your parents, but am sure they are in your thougths al the time:)

Crystal said...

Your finish is lovely. I've been spending most of my spare time either reading or in the garden. Congrats to Chiris and the team for winning.

CalamityJr said...

I've been reading a lot lately as well. Love the saying and the finish!

Mouse said...

lovely finish :) wonderful flowers too... hopefully you will learn a lot at the class :) mmm been there seen that and done it for volunteering at school and college etc .. so glad its done now :) take care and happy stitching love mouse xxx

Angela said...

Love your mattress pincushion finish! I read to escape too but I find stitching does the same thing for me so it depends on what is going on at the time :)

Sounds like you have been keeping yourself very busy!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Your mattress pincushion turned out great, Mylene!

Reading is indeed a great escape - I like to listen to books on cd AND stitch at the same time - kills two birds with one stone.

Ellen said...

Love your beautiful mattress pincushion! Love those gorgeous flowers too!

Yes, it's the same here, always the same people doing the voluntary works.


Lillie said...

Agreed totally, take one day at a time. Beautifully finished as always. Loved all those blooms. The kids looked great and in high spirit :)

Val said...

Love the pin cushion Mylene - and like a lot of others, I also love to read ..... x

Annette said...

What a great pincushion!!
You done a great job.
I wish I could help you feel better!! about your family and DH.
Hope work and reading gives you a lot of joy!!
Great pics of your flowers!!
And teh schoolfoto

CJ said...

Mylene -

As usual your stitchng is superb. Thanks so much for sharing and I love your flowers.


Anonymous said...

Hoi Mylene, ja dat zal best wel moeilijk voor je zijn je familie zo ver weg je kan niet even op de koffie gaan, en lezen helpt echt, dan kan je wegdromen in het boek.....ik heb ook altijd veel geholpen op school en ook daar waren altijd dezelfde ouders.
Maar het is wel heel waardevol dat je het kan doen.

groetjes Marjolein

Anonymous said...

Nu vergeet ik nog te zeggen wat een mooi borduurwerk je weer laat zien ;o)

Akila said...

That's a beautiful finish.
Love your white vase - goes very well with the pink :)
Back here in India, schools don't invite parents for voluntary work during school programmes. So, we working parents are spared that bit. But yes, if we see at other organizations (like charitable ones where I volunteer) it is usually the same regular faces.

Carol said...

Such a pretty pincushion, Mylene--and a wonderful message on it :)

Those peonies are stunning--love that shade of pink. Really, all of your flowers are so pretty. Would you believe I haven't even bought any yet this spring?

It is hard for me worrying about my parents and they are only 5 hours away--I can't even imagine how hard it must be for you! I hope the time passes quickly while you wait for your husband to return. You'll surely feel better when he is home...

Kay said...

I love your finish, the saying is so true and is how I take each day as it comes anymore. I know it is hard to be away from Kees and your family like you are, it is hard not to worry. I hope Kees is on his way home soon. Love the flowers!

Brigitte said...

What a lovely mattress pincushion you made.
For me, reading is my preferred summer activity, stitching belongs to autumn and winter. As soon as it gets warm outside I stay in my garden with a book rather than with my stitching.
It must be so hard on times to be so far away from your family. BUt at least your husband will be back soon and hopefully you'll have some time together before he has to leave again.
Mylene, I *love* the tulip field picture in your header. It's just gorgeous.

Christine said...

Your pincushion is beautiful Mylene.
The paeonies are absolutely gorgeous.
I only read if I've nothing else to do, not because I don't like to but because I like it too much, if I start a book I'll just keep going until I've finished it, I can read for hours at a time

Sally said...

Love your mattress pincushion finish Mylene. It's really pretty.

Your flowers are beautiful.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Mylene
Your mattress pincushion is gorgoeus. Love your pretty flowers too.
Hope you are enjoying some warm weather in Holland. It's 75 degrees here today - lovely.

Sandra said...

Our kids at school have the "May syndrome", they get all antsy expecting the summer vacations (awww!!! Us teachers too). They are off at mid July, us on August 1st. Can't hardly wait for that lol

Cute finish, very elegant. And as usual your flowers are eye candy. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

♥ Nia said...

Very pretty your matress pincushion, as all the beautiful things that you always make :) I love to admire your works!
Beautiful flowers pictures :D
Have a lovely weekend sweeetie!!

PS: I glad if my little bunny made you smile :)

Wendy said...

heerlijk toch, als je zo lekker kunt wegkruipen in een boek, dan is de avond zo om !
nadeel is dat ik dan niet meer kan stoppen met lezen......

ik probeer ook te helpen op school, lukt helaas niet altijd omdat ik ook moet werken.
en mijn zoontje is nogal een plakkerig type, als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel.........
dus dat werkt niet altijd zo goed !
moet zeggen dat het nu langzaam aan beter gaat !

Lynette said...

The mattress pincushion is beautiful, Mylene, as are all your lovely flowers!

Edit said...

The PS finish is absolutely beautiful Mylene, as well as your flowers!

Congratulations to Chris and his team for winning so many games. I do not know if voluntary work is very common here in Spain or not, but I think in Hungary it is also important as schools have no other way to solve a lot of things.

Rena said...

Mylene ,
love your pincushion , it`s so beautiful !


Tama said...

Lovely pincushion, beautiful flowers!
The tiger in the last pic made me look twice, lol!

Patty C. said...

Your pin cushion finish is wonderful - You are definitely a talented lady ;)

Siobhán said...

I know what you mean about the helping out at school. I did it a lot in the US and was always surprised at how few people showed up. One mother, when I called to ask her to send in snacks for the kids' party, said, "No. I'm practicing saying no, so no.". And don't you know, it was her kid at the front of the line, always getting extra helpings!! LOL The fact that my kids always talk about my being at the school so much is worth every second of it, though.

Lovely stitching and flowers! I'm doing more reading lately, too. Whatever gets you through the day!

Minet said...

A beautifull matress pincushion. I like to read to, so you can dream away to another world for a while.

Julie said...

It's always nice to bring some flowers inside the house, i love your mattress pincushion

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...