Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A biscornu giveaway!

I've been browsing through the box with lots of started on projects as well as stitched but not completely like these two biscornu. Both were stitched around Spring last year and just put aside...Now, these were first of many that i completed this week and since they are two of the same design, thought will do a giveaway. I haven't been much following blogs for quite sometime now as well as groups so i don't know if 'biscornu' finishes still popular...I do still love this kind of finishes and would love a collection of them. Everyone's allowed to enter and please leave your e-mail address with your comments. Saw these tiny beauties during my morning walk yesterday. Haven't expected them this early as it has been quite bad weather recently, wet and too strong winds though it wasn't cold as previous years or snow. We have't had snow this year though we could still get it until the beginning of April. But temperature recently is quite high about 9 degrees celcius... Had an early morning stroll through the forest with a friend today since i don't have to start early at work. Feels wonderful! It sure a perfect place to go for a walk when itś windy and we could choose a path where no cars allowed as my friend have a dog. Thank you all so much for stopping by and leaving me comments on my last post. Very much appreciated.


Annette said...

What a beautifull biscornu's you made.
I Love to enter and make a charge on that awesome cutie.

As I told on fb. Lovevthe snowdrop pic. Awesome
Have a great time Enjoy the weather

Jackie's Stitches said...

I've always enjoyed seeing pictures of your walks. The snowbelles (did I remember that name correctly) are gorgeous. It's not a flower I see here in Florida.

CalamityJr said...

How kind of you, Mylene. I actually don't even own a biscornu (scared of the finishing, I think :)) and would love to be entered for yours. I love blue, so it couldn't be better for me!

Musicwoman said...

Hi Mylene,
I always enjoy looking at your blogand seeing all your nice finishings.The pictur of your Valentin cussions I adore it.
And I do like biscornues like you.
After my first fear I did one for an exchange and noticed that it isn't so difficult as I thought.
Please count me in your giveawway.
Have several walks in the cute Nature of your isle

Annie said...

I would love to be entered to win you beautiful biscornu! Thanks:)

Ilumilu said...

Dear Mylene, please enter me.

Becky K in OK said...

Your finishing is flawless. I would love to gave one of these beauties.

Dani - tkdchick said...

gorgeous biscornu I'd love to be entered in your giveaway!

Linda said...

Beautiful biscornu's. I would love to be entered in your giveaway Mylene.


Christina G said...

Nice biscornu's and so perfectly joined too, mine aren't usually that nice look, lol. Please count me in your giveaway! Thank you. Christina at

Kay said...

Thank you for a lovely giveaway, hand made gifts are always treasured. Our snowdrops have been in the garden for a couple of weeks now, and we have our firs crocuses too.

Sue said...

The biscornus are just gorgeous! Thank you for hosting the giveaway.

Sue V.

Chris said...

Beautifully finished biscornu, well done.. and aren't those snowdrops so lovely..
Blog hopped and found you so I shall be back to see what else you have stitched
Happy Stitching Chris x

Sally said...

Beautiful biscornu Mylene.

Love the photos from your walk. The snowdrops are so pretty.

Fiona's creations said...

Hi Mylene love your biscornu I would like to enter for the giveaway. Fiona

Fiona's creations said...

Hi Mylene love your biscornu I would like to enter for the giveaway. Fiona

Julie said...

How nice to be out with your friend and her dog for a lovely walk, the bulbs are blooming here now. I was only thinking of you and how wonderful the tulip fields will soon be looking.

Good luck to all who enter your giveaway for your lovely biscornu.

stitchersanon said...

They are very pretty. Can't believe you can give them away lol. I am sure they will be loved wherever they go. I love snowdrops: so dainty and yet so hardy!

Suzanne said...

Hi Mylene,
I would love to enter your biscornu give-away.
I envy your weather & the beautiful flowers popping out . here, we are still a few feet under snow & more coming.
Love to visit your blog & see all of your treasures.
Suzanne ( Canada)

Kay said...

So pretty! Love all the pictures of flowers!

Rosa said...

Biscournu is sooo pretty, I absolutely love it! Please enter me in your draw!! Thanks emmi5 ca at yahoo dot com

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...