Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Our fun, relaxing Easter Sunday in Pictures...

...but first the HOE package i received from Michelle. Such a lovely lovely ornament she made and yummy goodies enclosed. The ornament was very neatly finished and such a great design. I really really LOVE it. Thank you so much Michelle!!

Easter Sunday started with me and friends to the church for the morning mass and afterwards since it was sunny we head out to the Tulip fields to take some pictures as sure in a week all will be gone. Such a pity that the flowers can't stay that long.
And then i went home and pick up the guys and went to the small forest for lunch, some some french fries and had a walk afterwards for more than an hour, had promised Chris for ice cream afterwards. We shouldn't have all those fatty foods as we are going to have 'gourmet' for dinner...oh well, it's a special day.
So instead of starting dinner at 5pm we had move it hour later.
It was a fun-filled Easter Sunday.

These are scenes from our walk this evening. Today started foggy but around 4pm the sun came out and no wind so it was such a lovely evening.

Probably the last gathering with friends for a while as everyone's busy now with work...see the huge Lobster...that was yummy. Not good for my cholesterol as i have high on that so have to keep off from now on...
 Thank you all so much who visited and took the time to leave me a comment. I really appreciate it! Hope everyone have a good start of the week.


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful exchange. The carrot is SO cute and it looks like some pretty tasty treats in the package too.

Glad you had a happy Easter. That was quite a lobster! LOL

Christine said...

Looks like you had a wonderful time over Easter.
The exchange gift is gorgeous

Maggie said...

Lovely exchange ornament Myleene.
The tulip fields are amazing!

Glad you had a lovely Easter x

Julie said...

Wonderful pictures of your activites.
A superb parcel, such a pretty Easter finish.

Carol said...

Such a darling carrot finish from Michelle, Mylene--I can see why you love it so much :) And your Easter sounds wonderful--love the fields of tulips! How lucky you are to be able to see them each year :)

Lillie said...

Wow! what a lovely exchange received. So lucky.
Looks like you had a wonderful Easter.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow! That HOE exchange your received is awesome!

kathy b said...

Oh all those tulips! such a delight for sore winter weary eyes

kathy b said...

Oh all those tulips! such a delight for sore winter weary eyes

Linda K's Stitching Corner said...

I have found your Blog and I am now a follower of your Blog....I too have a Blog and here is the link:


I would like for you to become a follower of my Blog.

Your Goodies that you got from Michelle is really nice...I love the Easter finish that looks like a carrot...that is so neat.

I love all of your Photos of your Easter Sunday...

Your picture at the top of your blog is so pretty...I love fields of flowers.

You have a really pretty Blog...

Have a Beautiful Sunday
Happy Stitching
Linda K, Railroad

Annette said...

What a great package you got swetie.. how awesome!!!
Real awesome!!
All teh pictures are so awesome!!
Your having such a great time, between you busy work!!
Enjoy it all!!

Brigitte said...

You've received a wonderful exchnage package from Michelle. Enjoy all these great goodies.
Nice to see all the pictures from your Easter weekend.

Kay said...

Looks like a great Easter everyone had! I always love seeing the pictures every year of the many tulips in bloom, they are so beautiful!

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...