Monday, September 08, 2014

...started breaking out the front wall!

Now, the works really starts for the builders... We are getting a new roof and at the same time a few changes for the upper floor. Quite a work had done at the end of the day. The big bricks were removed so you can see it through, before the builders left they had placed a plastic so it looks closed from the outside...Glad we are having a nice sunny weather though a bit windy but hopefully it stays dry for a while. Had a realaxing sunday...starts with an early morning stroll along the dyke...and then a visit to Kees mother at midday. On impulse later in the afternoon we decided to have a barbecue...the first and probably the last this year. With the backyard filled with materials for the builders and hubby will be leaving this week to the U.K for work...i ĺl be working lots too as weather stays good so lots of tourist around. Thanks to all who stop by and hope everyone have a good start of the week.


Christina G said...

Everyone looks great! Hope the house remodeling goes smoothly, too!

Daniela Bencúrová said...

New roof - great work! Let prosper!
Walk the dam is gorgeous:-)
Grilling looks yummy:-))

Brigitte said...

Oh my, Mylene, you seem to be super busy with your job and work at home. I hope the weather will stay dry and you'll soon have a new roof.

Anonymous said...

A new roof for winter sounds like a good thing.

How old is your house? It looks like it is a historic style house.

Julie said...

Hope the building work is completed soon for you.

Angela said...

The work will all be worth it when it's completed :) Hope it all goes well :)

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...