Monday, November 24, 2014

The Sampler Girl ornament!

Found this one stitched i think the beginning of this year so made it into an ornament. At first didn't know where i got the design but through searching at google had found out from JCS magazine 2012. Thus, went in search of the magazine and honestly quite lots of designs i've started or wanted to stitch from the magazine compare to the one this year. Do hope my mojo contineous.... Well, here are a few pictures of what i've made...baking/cooking! Not much lately as works nearly done except painting and the one who is assigned for it only comes during evenings. Probably a couple more evenings and he is done so we can start bringing up things upstairs. Hubby, hopefully will be home in two weeks then we can get everything or most of the things back for each room. Hope everyone's having a good start of the week.


Lillie said...

Wow ! all the gorgeous food!! Look like you've been pretty busy in the kitchen.

The stitched piece is adorable. Must look it up.

Glad to hear the renovation is finishing up soon. All in time for Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Oh my golly! CAKE! That last one with the apples looks amazing!


EvalinaMaria said...

Beautiful and delicious! Have a wonderful week.
Evalina, This and that...

Christine said...

What a lovely ornament, and all your cakes look delicious

Annie said...

Lovely ornament. I actually made that one as a part of a wedding gift some years ago. It's just a wonderful design and your finishing really shows it off.

But now you have made me hungry so I'm off to have a meal!

Carol said...

Oh, that is an adorable finish, Mylene--and I loved all the baking photos! Those are two of my favorite things, stitching and baking :) Good luck getting your home put back together!

Dani - tkdchick said...

great finishing

Julie said...

Super ornament and wonderful baking goodies.

Kay said...

Beautiful finish!! So many wonderful photos of what you made in the months that passed

Brigitte said...

This little ornament is looking so lovely. I have marked it too in my JCS issue to stitch it one day.

Wow, so many gorgeous cakes to look at. just looking at them makes my mouth water. if ever you find a little spare time, please, share the recipes (but I know that you are more than busy).

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...