Thursday, August 29, 2024

July & August ornaments

Been a crazy chaotisch the last months at work..working more than 10 hours a day most days a week due to lack of staff, that contributed to my health problems..infections on my gums and teeth that i ended up to see a periodontist a couple of weeks ago. She advised that 4 teeth has to be removed...which has taken yesterday. I opted though for 3 teeth first all on the left side and the last one in a couple of weeks. I wasn't feeling well afterwards yesterday so I asked off worked today.
Here is my July ornament: which i had quickly stitched and finished at the end of July.
Here is my August ornament..started a few days ago but most was stitched yesterday and able to finished it off today.
Aside from working ..had been as usual doing cooking, these was the beginning of August with friends for 2 consecutive days.
Above was had planned that i am going to prepare for dinner..
Below was the next day which was unexpected..had a lovely catch up.
Last week on my 2 days off we've been out of the island, boyfriend's idea's as he wants me to unwind after all the long busy working days.
Somewhere in the Northern part of Holland..
We came from the island and ended up staying  near the water side.
These are some of my blooming flowers..pity I don't have much time to enjoy them ...
Hope everyone's having a lovely week.
Thanks much for Stopping by and lovely comments.😍

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...