Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mattress Pincushion & Tin cover

Just read that Viv received my SFE(small finished Exchange) of ILCS yahoo group. Her theme for the exchange was celtic. Stitched this design of Joan Elliott which was finished off into a pincushion on the book, i made it into a mattress pincushion instead.

Celtic Spirit Mattress Pincushion
Joan Elliott
32ct Minster linen
DMC threads

Finally finished my monthly challenge for the Tin Cover. My very first of this kind of finishing. My piece isn't really centered but my fault as i haven't left enough fabric for the finishing. I hope to try another one soon. This design is part of Summer Season of LHN.

Summer season Tin cover
Little House Needleworks
28ct linen

Today, we had to part with this VW transport. We had it for six years but i never drive it as i find it too big and i wasn't use to manual. We bought this Chrysler in exchange and it's automatic. Do have to get use to it. If neccesary when DH isn't around i borrow my MIL's car which is quite small and automatic.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog especially to those who take the time to leave a comment

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Flatfold & Cards

The summer block is done and i finished it off into a flatfold. Do love how it turned out!!! Just in time for summer.

Summer flatfold
Helga Mandl designs
28ct. linnen and DMC threads

Tha back of the flatfold. I am happy to find this fabric in my collection, bought it sometime last year fo quilting but never made it...!

I used a DMC thread for the cording.

These are a couple of cards that was sent a while back and just heard they are received so i can show a picture. A birthday and a new born card.

Perhaps i can get a chance to stitch for x'mas cards this weekend, oh and the monthly challenge too, hopefully next week.

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Thanks so much for stopping by and all the lovely comments.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cross Stitch Crazy Mag., ABC exchange,...

First of all, thanks so much for all the nice comments over my first model. Honestly, with stitching 3 threads over 28ct. evenweave plus lots of the backstitching too, put me off to sign up anymore.

Received my copy of Cross Stitch Carzy Magazine this week and only has the time to have a look today and what a surprise
to see picture of the pinkeeps i've made earlier this year. Sent it through e-mail a while back but never received a response so i thought it just got lost in cyberspace. I did mentioned pinkeeps but it was written here on the magazine pincushions.

Just read that Chris received my package for the SBEBB ABC exchange. I've stitched her this freebie of Anne Les Petites Croix
and finished it off into a pinkeep. Do hope Chris likes it and and all the extra's enclosed(no picture here)

Been working on a couple of exchanges, LHN exchange and ILCS small finished exchange. I understemated the finishing time especially for the ILCS, it took me longer than i had expected. Will finish it off tomorrow.
Since i've seen this Season SAL of Helga Mandl Designs i am in love with it. Didn't stitch the Spring block yet but i started with this summer block. I prefer to stitch them separately but not sure yet how to finish them off.

Friday, June 13, 2008

First ever Model!!! en ABC exchange

A few days ago i happened to visit xs-and-ohs when one had mentioned about her model is out and noticed that my EVER first model from last year was also published. I say my first and last! When i signed up then to stitched i received quite a huge piece. It was really a challenge for me as i have to use three threads on 28ct evenweave, which i was actually used on using two threads. And then during that period of time that i was working on that project we went to Asia to visit my family and stayed for 4weeks. I didn't take it with us as you'll never know with luggages during travel so i had quite a difficulty catching up for my deadline when we got back as well as some exchanges that i joined in that time. I know i was CRAZY! Oh well, glad to see it has finally published, never heard of it anymore after it was received. It seems in haste of sending it back to Canada i haven't taken a last picture of it as it looks this was not the finished piece i had taken but one of my update to the designer.

Received my package for the ABC exchange of SBEBB from Simone. She stitched me this freebie design of With My Needle and finished it off into an ornament.
Really lovely and see all the extra's with the alphabet themes, wonderful! Thanks so much Simone!!

Now is quiet, the girls just went to bed after watching a movie. Chris is been to a birthday party of one of his friends and stay overnight so Grace asked if she can invite her friends to come over for the night and it's alright. We thought they will watch the football game of France and Holland but they opted out for a movie of Sandra Bullock instead. Well, the game is just over and Holland has win with 4-1.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by, especially to those who take time to leave a comment.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

HOE Freebie Exchanges

WHEW! Did anyone miss me????

I have to come out of hiding to present the wonderful package i received from the HOE Freebie Exchange.

stitched me this wonderful freebie and finished it beautifully! I just LOVE it!!

Eversince i've discovered her blog i really admired her work so i was really pleased when i received one of her works.

She also spoiled me with all the extra's enclosed as you can see on the picture. Thank you so much, Olga!!!

Valerie received the freebie i stitched for the exchange. So glad it has arrived safely and that she likes it. In haste for bringing to the post office haven't taken a picture of the whole pacakge. She has picture on her blog though.

Freebie pinkeep
Mon Ami Pierre designer
36 ct linnen
Belle Soie Rose of Sharon

It's been pretty busy here lately so not much time to come online, instead i try to devote whatever spare time i can get to work on a couple of exchanges.
I am really behind with blog readings so please please do understand if i haven't leave any comment.
With summer break approaching, there's so many different activities for the children, in and out of school. So that keeps us busy as well as works and socially too!!

Thank you all so much for stopping by especially to those who take time to leave a comment. I really appreciate them all.

Barbara, thanks for the offer. I received two from exchanges, so there's no reason for me not to try, just don't have the time yet. But, i still have about three weeks...?? Oh, my...why oh why does the time passes by so quickly!!

Sunday, June 01, 2008

x'mas ornament SAL (June)

Christmas is Love pinkeep
Lizzie Kate
Stitched on 32 ct linnen
DMC threads

Christmas Ornament SAL for the month of June is DONE!!! That's the fabric i used for the back which is on the picture. Hope to make a couple of x'mas cards soon too.
Had just read the monthly challenge and it is 'Tin Topper' finishing, oh my....that will really be a challenge for me as i am not sure yet how to make one!!!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...