Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Cross Stitch Crazy Mag., ABC exchange,...

First of all, thanks so much for all the nice comments over my first model. Honestly, with stitching 3 threads over 28ct. evenweave plus lots of the backstitching too, put me off to sign up anymore.

Received my copy of Cross Stitch Carzy Magazine this week and only has the time to have a look today and what a surprise
to see picture of the pinkeeps i've made earlier this year. Sent it through e-mail a while back but never received a response so i thought it just got lost in cyberspace. I did mentioned pinkeeps but it was written here on the magazine pincushions.

Just read that Chris received my package for the SBEBB ABC exchange. I've stitched her this freebie of Anne Les Petites Croix
and finished it off into a pinkeep. Do hope Chris likes it and and all the extra's enclosed(no picture here)

Been working on a couple of exchanges, LHN exchange and ILCS small finished exchange. I understemated the finishing time especially for the ILCS, it took me longer than i had expected. Will finish it off tomorrow.
Since i've seen this Season SAL of Helga Mandl Designs i am in love with it. Didn't stitch the Spring block yet but i started with this summer block. I prefer to stitch them separately but not sure yet how to finish them off.


Meari said...

Pretty pinkeep, Mylene!

mainely stitching said...

That's a great pinkeep!

Margaret said...

You did an amazing job on your model stitching. It certainly looks like an intense piece.

What a pretty pinkeep. I've been scrolling through your recent posts - lots of lovely stitching Mylene.

We even get to watch Holland play here in the US. We are thrilled with how they are doing so far.


Shari said...

how neat to be featured in a magazine!!!! Congrats! And your stitching looks great, as always. You do such beautiful work!! Keep it up!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the having your pinkeeps in a magazine. They look great. Keep up the great stitching.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)

Hazel said...

Congrats on getting in the mag. I sent a pic off years ago and I think it did get lost as I never saw it then I stopped buying the mag! Ooooh you did the tournicoton freebie too. I saw it on Carlas blog. I have it downloaded - just need to choose colour. x

too_busy_to_stitch said...

Congratulations Mylene! They're lovely! I love Helga Mandl designs too, though haven't actually done any yet.

Sally said...

Lovely pinkeep you stitched for Chris:)

Nice start on the Helga Mandl design.

Congratulations on being in the magazine!

anna s. said...

Love the pinkeep! Congratulations for being published, I always knew you'd be famous one day ;-)
Lovely work!!

Karan said...

Congrats on being published. :0)
Gorgeous pinkeep & the new start looks like a lot of fun, nice & cheerful.

Julie said...

Beautiful ABC exch gift.

Congrats on being in Crazy

Stitcher said...


I love it all, I don't have your email address, so couldn't email you personally, I never thought of leaving you a message here. Doh!

Thank you very much.

Carmen said...

Congrats on being published!!Gorgeous pinkeep

Debra said...

Mylene, that is so cool. Congrats!!! Also I saw the pattern at a shop when we were on the retreat of your model. Wow!!!
Debra in Indiana

Sachiko said...

Lovely pinkeep and gorgeous ribbon.

Lisha said...

Congrats on being published. Your model looks great too. Love the summer flatfold and the backing fabric is perfect. Have a great summer.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...