Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Prairie Schooler pinkeep exchange

I particpated on the prairie schooler pinkeep exchange on the PS yahoo group and actually today is the final mailing date but i mailed mine earlier and was already received and i did received the pinkeep from my partner too before the due date.

Here is what i received from Pam. Isn't it a wonderful pinkeep?? I Love it!!!

Here's the back of it. Pam stitched and finished it so neatly. Thanks so much.

Here's what i stitched and sent to my partner Lynda. Glad to hear she received it quite quickly and that she likes it. I know, i made or stitched this patter a few times already but i just don't have much choice with what i have of PS designs. Either they are too big or too small.

Thanks so much for all the nice comments with my last post. DH is away for a few days and said i need to go out with the new car, to get use to it. So, sunday i took the kids to the small forest and had lunch on one of the restaurant. And then drove to the other end of the island for ice cream at mid afternoon.
The first picture is of Grace and Chris and then of me.

It is now summer break of the children, quite busy so i think i won't be updating my blog for quite sometime, having not much spare time for hobbies so no pictures to show. I'd rather not share our boring day to day experience. I think nobody will drop by here anyway for a look.

Karan, the celtic pincushion is on the book Cross Stitch Sentiments and Sayings of Joan Elliott.

p.s. This should have been posted two hours ago but a friend had just dropped by, that was 10.30pm and i came home 9.30pm. In a few days they are going to South Africa for three weeks vacation so a kind of last minute chatting/catching up. Oh well, she just left and it's now 1am. Better off to bed myself, i am really tired!


Carmen said...

beutiful pinkeep.

Hazel said...

Lovely pinkeeps. xx

Karan said...

Beautiful pinkeeps sent & received Mylene. Thanks for the book details - I love Joan Elliott designs, so it's one I shall add to my collection. :0)
Great pics - looks like it was a lovely day out. Enjoy the rest of the school holidays. :0)

Sally said...

The pinkeeps are both beautiful Mylene:)

Enjoy the school holidays. Another three weeks and it'll be the holidays here:)

mainely stitching said...

Enjoy the summer holidays with the kids. :D And those are both lovely pinkeeps. :D

Lillie said...

Beautiful exchange and enjoy your holidays.

Olga said...

Both pinkeeps are lovely. Enjoy the rest of the school holidays.

Sue said...

Hi Mylene
Both the pinkeeps are beautiful. Have a lovely time with Grace and Chris during the holiday's.

Barb said...

Nice pinups by both of you. Great exchange for you. Have a nice summer and post when you can.

Christine said...

Both pinkeeps are lovely.

Enjoy your summer!

Anonymous said...

Lovely stitching. Your exchanges produce such gorgeous projects by everyone involved. And I love your photography. You certainly take nice pictures and both your children are adorable - just like their momma. ;D
Barb in TX

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...