Thursday, December 31, 2009

wanna join us for the "New Year's Dive".... the North Sea tomorrow??? I know, i am crazy, it is freezing outside! But i had promised to join the rest of the family when they did the New year's Dive the other year. I do hope i can make it as weather forecast is a bit windy tomorrow which makes it very cold. It's around 2-3 degrees today and i think the sea water temperature is about 5 degrees celcius. Oh my...!!!

Anyway, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH who took the time to stopped by and wish me a Happy Birthday. Oh well, turning 40 isn't scary as it seems, after all i am fine and healthy which is enough to be thankful. Received lots of gifts from hubby and the kids, from magazine, books, perfumes and other kitchen goodies. No, stitchy stash as those aren't much around here.

The drive to our friend's place last week went well, only the drive back home took us really long as there were some accidents happened along the way which has caused long traffic.
During our stay there, we joined them on their Christmas party the evening of the 24th. It was held on one of their friend's place who has a big house. I think about 50 people attended. They live in one of the big city here in Holland so lots of our fellow countrymen live nearby. It was our first time to join such a big party of most of our fellow countrymen. Lots of foods, drinks, music, games and dancing. Everyone had fun!

Here are some pictures taken from the party, i forgot to take pictures of the food, every family has brought one or two specialties mostly asian.

Wish you all a safe and Happy New Year!! Thank you all for being such faithful readers and great commenters! I love reading all your comments on all my posts.
Hope you’ll continue to enjoy my blog in 2010!


CJ said...

Happy New Year!! Have fun in the water you are a very brave lady. Enjoyed the pictures of your Christmas party.

Look forward to blogging with you in 2010.


Lynn B said...

Happy New Year Mylene!

Gosh you are very brave going in that freezing cold water, there is no way I would do that!
Your pictures look really great.

Lynn B

Carin said...

I will think of you on Januari 1st, when you jumped in the water.
Never done it, myself!

It looks like a great party, you had with your friends!

Happy New Year!!!!!

stitcherw said...

Looks like you had a great time and everyone was having fun. Have a wonderful New Year.

Jan said...

Wonderful pictures, Mylene! And a belated Happy Birthday wish to you, as well as wishes for a most wonderful and blessed New Year!

Carol R said...

I think I'll give the dip in the sea a miss and wish you the best of luck!

Lovely party pictures - two beautiful ladies in red.

Happy New Year!

Von said...

I'll join in the dive with you in spirit, Mylene, cuz you'll never see my body in the North Sea on New Year's Day, lol! Stay safe and keep warm.

Happy New Year!

Katri said...

You are very brave, swimming in the sea this time of the year! Winter swimming (you know, in a small hole made to the icy cover of the water... :-) is very popular in Finland. I don't have the courage to try it, but I do know that you will feel wonderful when you rise from the water. Enjoy!

Happy New Year to you and your family!

anna s. said...

Lovely photos, Mylene!
Godt Nytt Ar fra Norge!!

Carol said...

Looks like a wonderful party, Mylene--love the photos of you dancing! You look so happy...

May 2010 bring you much happiness!

saras said...

Happy New Years to you too! :) You are such a beatuiful lady, and great pictures!

Annie said...

What a great party. You look radiant. Hope you can keep that glow in the frigid water!

Have a great new year!

Loraine said...

Yes, you are crazy! I hope you survive your jump!
Love the family photos. What a fun day!
Take Care, and many hugs!

tkdquintmom said...

Um...HOW cold????? We used to call that 'Polar Bearing' growing up by the lake...BRRRRR!

Lisa S said...

Looks like you all had a wonderful time at the Christmas Party!!

All I can say about the dive is Brrrrrrrrrr!! Better you than me LOL
Have fun!

Wishing Happy & Healthy New Year for you & your family!!

Angela said...

I'm shivering just thinking about your dip in that icy water! LOL, you never know it might be fun :) Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

Annette said...

Looks like you had a lot of fun...
Happy new year...

Christine said...

Happy New Year Mylene. You are very brave going in the sea today

Vinniey said...

You're so brave to swim in such a cold weather! Not for me. :) I wish you a happy new year and happy "swimming"! (LOL)

SheilasEmbroidery said...

I think I'll give it a miss this year, it could give me a heart attack! I'll be thinking about you and all the other fool hardy people who dip in the North Sea - there are usually quite a few in Whitley Bay who dip.

Lavendelhaus said...

Dear Mylene. A happy new year and a lot of fun by diving.

stitchersanon said...

Cold water? No way!!!
Good luck and have a wonderfully happy new year!

Jan said...

Happy New Year - sooner you then me with the dive !!! I did thimk of you as I turned over in my lovely warm bed this morning (was working all week so this morning was a lie in

Anonymous said...

Looks like great fun!!!1 Have a Happy New Year to you & your family.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)

Debra said...

Great pictures. Looks like everyone had a great time.

Maggie said...

Happy New Year Mylene! gosh your brave to go dipping in the North Sea, lol

Thanks for sharing photos of your party, looks like you had a great time .

too_busy_to_stitch said...

Happy New Year to you too Mylene!

Karan said...

Looks like you all had a fabulous time there Mylene. Happy 2010 to you. :0)

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...