Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter SAL & mattress pincushion

The 7th part of the easter SAL made it into a mattress pincushion, completed it just in time for the last part which we had received yesterday. I really enjoyed stitching this design and kind of sorry it is over but hopefully not the last.

Many many THANKS for all the birthday greetings for hubby's birthday. It was a great success! I will show some pics later as i haven't sorted them all out yet. TOO busy here...socially, i'm not much home the last days. Have lots to show as i went to "Keukenhof" flower park yesterday with friends. This weekend...more activities to go too so hopefully next week will be back to normal schedule...i hope!!!

Everyone a "Happy weekend"!!!


CJ said...

Hi Mylene -

I love Keukenhof garden. My hubby and I went there in 2003. So Beautiful. Your SAL is almost finished and so lovely.


Annie said...

Love how this looks. You are so clever to do a different finish on each individual part.

Annette said...

What a beautifull pincushion you have made, your SAL looks great
Have a great weeken, can't wait to see the pics from keukenhof never been there!!

Anonymous said...

Wat is het een mooi paaswerkje geworden Mylene en dat speldenkussentje is schattig!
groetjes marjolein

♥ Nia said...

You always make such lovely pieces =)
I've never made one matress pincushion! I need to try it, do you find it difficult? It's probably easier than a biscornu.. What do you think?
Have a nice weekend sweetie :D

Angela said...

I love your SAL piece and what a cute Mattress Pincushion finish too!

Have a great weekend :)

Jackie's Stitches said...

Love your SAL and mattress pincushion. What is inside it? Batting?

Christine said...

The pincushion is adorable and the sampler is just beautiful.
I hope you took lots of pictures at Keukenhof

Lesleyanne said...

Your SAL piece is lovely. I like how you have made each part an individual piece too. The mattress pincushion is great. Look forward to seeing part 8 and your pictures.

Irene said...

I really love how you made littles out of the SAL. Can't wait to see the finsh. I'm sorry I missed out on signing up for this one.

barbara said...

Your mattress finishing is SO good!

Angie said...

oh that is so cute.

Karen said...

Love pin cushion... the design is perfect. Love your SAL and good luck on finishing soon!

Happy stitching...

Ellen said...

Love your mattress pincushion! Yes, I am going to miss the SAL too, hope there will be another one soon.

You are good with all the smalls finishing!


Sally said...

Your mattress pincushion is lovely Mylene.

Shari said...

gorgeous as always..... you are such a gifted 'finisher' your finishes are so pretty......
congrats on the finish....

Daisy said...

How beautiful embroidery.
I have been very nice to the pincushions.

Happy day

Carol said...

Your mattress pincushion is so sweet, Mylene. I've never tried one before; is it very hard?

Your SAL is almost done--looks beautiful, too :)

Lisa S said...

Love the mattress pin cushion! I would love to make one. And your SAL piece loks gorgeous!
I still have to do that part on mine. I am working on an exchange piece that I had problems with and had to frog a big portion. I should have it done today then I can work on my SAL.

Looking forward to seeing your pictures.


Anonymous said...

Love your mattress sweet!

Stephanie said...

That SAL piece is adorable! Love the nice spring colors in it. The mattress pincushion is perfect!! Love it!

Edit said...

Your SAL piece is so lovely Mylene! And I love that you always make an ornament, not "only" the SAL piece. Lately I do not stitch too much, but I have also made some little ornaments are presents.

I hope you have nice weather for the coming Easter holidays. Here we had great weather which will change just when Easter comes :(

Erna said...

Love your finish, and take care Mylene...

Sue said...

Your finishes are so beautiful Mylene! I love your Easter SAL and the mattress pincushion.......just love it!

Kay said...

Your SAL is looking so beautiful! I love how you finished your latest finish!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...