Sunday, March 03, 2013

March finish!

I've a couple of finishes but can only post one as the other one is for an exchange
and i don't know if she is checking my blog, would rather as a surprise.
Hopefully, i can finsih these serie each month...

I have a few projects for these month but haven't took a pic yet,
too dark now for taking pictures and if i wait for it i don't know
if i have time to post again coming days. I took these one earlier.

I had a scary moment with our car this afternoon at the mainland, bringing
our daughter to the city, half way where she goes for the school for further
test for the pilot study. I cannot drive her all the way as it will take me 3-4
hours there and 3-4 back. i am not use to that kind of long driving so i had
to bring her half way that she can get the train straight to the school campus
which is better. But along the way, after nearly an hour from the ferry the car started
to have troubled so i got panicked as it is a highway and everyone droves very
fast(130km/hour). And the car slows down...glad we were able to reach the parking
area at the train station and from there i called the car services, lucky we are a
member of it and one came for help after half an hour. Glad wasn't that really serious
and i could drive back home but have to do it slowly.  Have defect of the throttle
position Sensor, so  have to bring to the garage soon.

Thanks so much for your continued visits and all the lovely comments.
I so deeply appreciate them all!


Jackie's Stitches said...

Congratulations on your finish!

I'm glad you made it home. Car trouble isn't fun and can be scary if you're in an unfamiliar area.

Robin said...

Glad you made it OK with the car trouble. It can be scary! Your shamrock fabric on the back it perfect.

Robin said...

Glad you made it OK with the car. Car trouble can be so scary. I used to want someone to be able to invent a way to loose weight while you were driving since it seemed I was always shuttling kids here and there. Your shamrock fabric is perfect.

Sue said...

Your Lizzie Kate is lovely Mylene!!

I am glad you made it home safely. I am sure that was very scary for you.


Christine said...

Beautiful finishes, Mylene, for both the beginning of March and for February!

Carol said...

Your March LK finish is so cute, Mylene--perfect backing fabric, too!

I'm so glad you made it to the train station and were able to have your car serviced. That sure sounds scary to me as I know nothing about car problems...

Ruth said...

Lovely March finish. Sorry To hear of your car trouble. Glad you made it back safe. Ruthie

Lesleyanne said...

A gorgeous finish. Glad you are alright after your car trouble.

Christine said...

Great finish Mylene. Hope your car can be fixed easily

Barb said...

Glad you made it home fine.
Your March is nice. Its so spring like!

Julie said...

A lovely March finish Mylene. I hope your car can be fixed quickly and its not too costly for you.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that the car trouble wasn't TOO serious and that you got home okay. Good luck to your DD.

The March finish is very cute. What does it do, hang, stand up??? The finishing is beautiful.

Anne Sans Tete said...

Very cute finish!

Glad to hear the car wasn't too much trouble.

- Lisa N.

Meari said...

I had trouble last week, too.

Congrats on your finish!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Great finish! Sorry for the car problems - hope it will be quick fix without too much expense!

Carmen said...

I'm glad you made it home. I feel panic whrn the car sound o make strange scary.

♥ Nia said...

Wow! that was scary =/ but you are safe, all good :)
Lovely finish, congrats sweetie :)

Anonymous said...

Your finish looks great!!! Hopefully you got your car fixed & that it didn't cost alot.
Betty in AZ(ILCS)

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...