Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 Last year i had completed 8 of the complimentary charts that was graciously offered by different designers for #bewellandstitch.  Here's #09..i had stitched beginning of this year and finally finish into a pinkeep.

Here's all of the pieces i finished from different designers.
Had made a bit of progress on Chalk ip up Sampler, this is my first stitching on black fabric..i do like how it is turning out but it is not really my favorite colour to stitch. I find it a bit difficult to work on it
Before and into the weekend we had family/friend for dinner came and stay..luckily i got a week off from work, though i had actually other plans but having family and spoiling them with my cooking was also fine as we don't see them otfen.
Was able to go out for a walk once and so lovely to see lots of Daffodils everywhere, along the roads, in the farmlands, bushes..this picture below took it during my walk at the small forest here, when i noticed there were different kinds.
Hope everyone's having a lovely week!
Many thanks for stopping by and the lovely comments.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I love your collection of Be Well designs. The Madame Chantilly is my favourite. I only stitched one, that was the Drawn Thread design.

Katrina said...

Your Be Well and Stitch collection is lovely, really nice designs. Love seeing your daffodil flowers, so brighty and cherry! Best wishes

Sweet Sue said...

Wow Mylene, your 2020 collection is stunning, beautiful stitching, finishing and presentation, well done, congrats! Another family gathering is always welcome, especially when you're doing the cooking:) Now some rest for you... xo

Carol said...

It's so nice to see your beautiful "Be Well" stitching, Mylene! They look great displayed all together. Glad that you are able to get together with friends and family--it looks like you prepared some very tasty food! Enjoy your day!

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...