Wednesday, May 29, 2024

May ornament..

Busy days at work started plus other appointments this month..very little stitching time, just completed the May ornament ...
and thought to post it at once as coming days gonna be too busy working and preparing for bf birthday celebration this weekend...just our kids and a few friends but still I have quite some preparing/cooking to do..

Hope everyone's having a lovely week😊❤️


Pamela said...

Very sweet ornament! Well done!

Carol said...

Lovely May ornament, Mylene! Have a wonderful birthday celebration with your family!

Erica said...

Such a pretty ornament! Always love to see a little Robin!

Faith... said...

I love how your ornaments look when they are finished. Hope you guys had a Happy Birthday celebration for your BF, don't eat to much cake!!

Katie said...

Wow beautiful. Perfect finish too.

September ornament

This is quite a quick stitch and i love how it turned out with the finishing, well it took me a while thinking how to finish it off.. ...