Thursday, October 31, 2024

October ornament & home/Philippines

Finished my ornament for October before i flew home and arrived first  day of Oct. in the Philippines.
I heard that our mother is getting very weak and can't stay home alone sometime September so I decided to  go home for a visit and to be with her. Upon arriving, she couldn't stand anymore & after a day she couldn't sit as totally bedridden. Been home a month and just got back here in Europe the other day. Happy I went.. though seems so short stay. Lovely to see lots of family continuously visiting.❤️❤️
Due to the rain we had on and off lots of my mother's flowers are thriving and still looking beautiful.
A happy week to all❤️


Pamela said...

Pretty ornament! It was very nice that you could visit with your mother and so many others.

Carol said...

What a pretty ornament, Mylene! I'm sorry your mother is now bedridden. But she still has a big smile on her face. So glad you could get home and visit so many family members. I bet you really miss them. Enjoy your November! ♥

Erica said...

Your ornament is so pretty! I love the fall color motifs! Wonderful you got to spend time with your family! life is so rushed these days, sometimes these chances are missed.

Faith... said...

Mylene I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. So glad that there is lots of family nearby to help her when she needs it but I hope you are able to go visit her again soon. She has some beautiful flowers!

I'll be saying a prayer for your Mom.

January & February ornaments

The january ornament was a freebie years back at The Floss is not available anymore as a freebie but i think it can be ordered at he...