Wednesday, January 10, 2007

more blocks and SFE from Kim

It is slowly going back to normal over here, children's back to school and to their respectice activities outside school. No more late nights for them...they've really difficulty getting up very early since monday.

Last weekend visiting friends went well, been shopping too and was able to buy a pair of shoes for me and Grace. And before going home we went to Mcdonald, the children really wanted to, as we don't have it here on the island.

ANNA: Thanks so much for the link. It's a lovely one and i've print a copy of it

A couple of small finishes for the blocks swap. I do want to get ahead with this before our leave next month visiting my family in Asia. Next i have to do a few more cards and a february exchange...not sure yet for this one though, i mean how am i going to finish it...

Here's a picture of the pinkeep that i received from Kim for the SFE. It's lovely and very neatly done!! I LOVE it. Thanks so much Kim.
I am still waiting to hear from Michelle if she receive the one i made for her last month before showing a picture.

1 comment:

Dawn T. said...

The lamb is adorable!! My kids aren't wanting to get up for school in the mornings either.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...