Tuesday, January 02, 2007

First finishes for 2007!!!

My first small finishes for the year 2007!! It wasn't so busy at work yesterday which makes it a long day and was finally allowed to stop at 9PM. (I started at 12PM)
Came home and rest with a glass of beer and since i needed to send a birthday card before the end of the week, i took a couple of cross stitch magazines, knowing the theme of the receiver makes it easy in finding an appropriete one. I think i finished the bird in less than an hour.

Today, we've been to DH's aunt funeral. We left the children alone at home, thought it will not take that long but it did. The service was nearly two hours, very different from a couple of experience last year.

Coming Thursday, we will go to another funeral and this will be at the mainland. Father of one of DH's closest friends.
This is really sad for everyone...just the beginning of the year and both unexpected.


Margaret said...

Hi Mylene,
Sorry your year has to start with these sad occassions. 'Sterkte' & hopefully things will go better from this point on.
Lovely cards. Wow you are sure a great stitcher - doing the bird in less than an hour.
Take care,

Dawn T. said...

The card is wonderful! Sorry that this is such a sad time for you and your family.


Meari said...

Sorry to hear about your DH's aunt's passing. I lost an aunt last year, too. Both your cards are wonderful. I really like the bird one.

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...