Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Brittercup designs

I've just heard that one of the exchanges i was in, in one of the yahoo group has received the exchange piece i made. Since her theme was black cats/stitchy humor i Stitched her one of the known Britty Kitties of Brittercups designs. I completed it into a pinkeep and happy to hear Marilyn likes it.

I had manage to stitch the starting last sunday but don't have a picture yet, hopefully later this week.


Felicity said...

Very cute!

glenda said...

I love it!

Dawn B. said...

Very cute. I have that one and need to do it some day. Now I know how big it is. Thanks for sharing.

Kim said...

That turned out ADORABLE!!


Greg said...

Congratulations on the wonderful finish!

Sharon said...

That is adorable. What a cute design, now I have to get it.LOL Love your finishing too. Great job and great blog. xoxox

Sally said...

What a cute finish Mylene!

Anonymous said...

nice job mylene.It is simple and cute.

Dawn T. said...

Very cute:)

January & February ornaments

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