Monday, December 03, 2007

Pay it forward....

I do feel guilty about this PIF thing, as i completely forgot all about it. I had seen it going end of last year and thought not to sign in as it was a busy months ahead of us then, what with our vacation to Asia and all, but when i've seen it on
Anna's blog i've signed in, that was the month of february this year, (just before we leave to Asia, i know it should not be an excuse...) yes i had to tracked it down when i heard from Anna about sending my PIF and ohhhhhh, i felt so ashamed! I have truly forgot about it. Please do forgive me ANNA.

Now i want to rectify and continue this kind of gifts.
The first five people to respond to this post via the comments section will get some form of needlework made by me. After you comment, please email me your
snail mail address ( There will be a 365 day or sooner deadline.

The rules? If you sign up to receive from me, you must post the same Pay it forward offer in your blog so the idea goes on! :)
I know its a busy time of the year now but please remember that you have a year to complete it so i hope this will not withhold anyone on signing in.

I finally opened Anna's package and see this wonderful ornament she made for me for the PIF. The next picture where all the goodies enclosed for my b-day and x'mas present. Aren't i spoiled?? I LOVE all of them, Anna. You sure know my favorites! Many many thanks. I am sorry the picture isn't that good though, evening light.


Danielle said...

I would love join in on this PIF. I don't know if you will take requests, but I would love a small needlebook to hold my stitching needles. Thanks, Danielle

shutterbug (Elaine) said...

Hi Mylene, I like this idea a lot. :o) I promise to post this in my blog and continue the PIF.
I see Danielle is requesting a you make needlebooks? If so I would love that too but anything is fine.
Hugs, Elaine

Wanda said...

I would love to be in your PIF Mylene but you must sign up for mine I will put it up on my blog!! You can surprise me. HUGS Wanda

Dawn T. said...

Wonderful ornament!! Keep your eye out for a package from me:)

Lillie said...

This sounds like fun.

Sally said...

Beautiful ornament!

Dani - tkdchick said...

What a beautiful gift!

Shari said...

beautiful gift you received Mylene! Thanks for sharing!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...