Sunday, December 02, 2007

Pictures...where shall i start...?

But before that, i want to thank you all for taking the time to come visit and leave comments on my blog. Chris birthday went well yesterday, he's sure very happy with all the attentions and gifts. I haven't had the chance to take pictures for the rest of the recipes i've made, Chris should have been for his football game in the morning but it was cancelled because of the bad weather. So visitors started coming in the morning instead of in the afternoon, so i have to rush all my plans and in between making coffee. A couple of friends who came from the mainland and both from Asia too made something and brought with them, one was a vegetable spring roll and the other one 'creme brulee'. We had a feast!
But ohh, it's the first time in a while that i went to bed so early(10:30pm), i was really tired!

Okey, this first picture was what i've made for the X'mas Ornie Exchange that Simone organized. It went to
Monique and heard that she received it. We don't know who is sending to us so it's quite a surprise when you received the package. I didn't know Monique before i got her name so i have to find out a bit what's her favorite and i came across that she likes pink colours which makes a bit easier to decide what to make.

And these pictures were what i received from Nic. Such a cute ornament and all the goodies enclosed. Love them all and surely will all be use and treasured. Thanks so much, Nic.

This was stitched early this year and just made it into a pinkeep. This one is for me, though at first it was intended for somebody but i really really like it so i will keep this one, but i can say all the items that i've sent for exchanges were very difficult to part with. So I am happy when the reciever says they like it!

And lastly, these simple crafted cards i've made lately. Much as i like making these cards i decided to stop with this hobby, though i have quite lots of materials and other items for this hobby, might do once in a while till most of them were use but i won't buy anymore new items.


Anonymous said...

I love your peace ornament and peace on earth pinkeep. You really do nice work. I'm sure people will miss your cards when you stop making them.
Barb in TX

Dawn T. said...

Great exchange from Nic. I LOVE the Peace on Earth pinkeep. I can see why you kept it for yourself:)

Virpi said...

You have been really busy =)

Lillie said...

The ornies are all so pretty.
The food yummy.

Dawn B. said...

Cute cards and ornaments

glenda said...

Great projects and exchanges! I will miss seeing your cards, but completely understand. I want to start making a few, but can't even make myself do that! Oh, well maybe next year.

Carmen said...

really cute ornaments! and the exchange stuff,are really gorgeous!,you meka wonderful and beautiful thing :D

Meari said...

All your projects are great, Mylene. Congrats on the finishes.

Karan said...

Your Peace ornament & pinkeep are beautiful Mylene, as are your cards, & the Santa ornie you received is so cute.
Sounds like things were pretty busy for you at Chris's birthday - hope the early night refreshed you. :0)

Sally said...

All these things are beautiful Mylene:)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow some fantastic exhcanges!

January & February ornaments

The january ornament was a freebie years back at The Floss is not available anymore as a freebie but i think it can be ordered at he...