Tuesday, April 28, 2009

small SAL's

I'v joined a couple of small SAL's just recently and here are the progress:
The pictures aren't that good though. Sorry about that.
This one started yesterday and it will be available until May 2. It is off OakHaven Designs. For anyone who wants to join have to send an email to the owner. This is only in 2 parts so it's pretty quick to finish.
Just started the second part but realise that i made a mistake so i have to frog what i've just stitch, will do it later...first have to catch up on groups and blogs.

And this one is from stitch-creations. It has started a while back and available on her blog. These small quaker motives will be completed into a pin block. A picture of it can be seen on her blog too.

It's May vacation for the children for two weeks and we were supposed to visit friends at the mainland today and stay there for a couple of days but she called yesterday that it will have to be postponed as they have something that had just came up.
So intead i took the kids to go shopping today at the mainland, not that far just on the other side of the ferry. We got some clothes for Chris mostly but we had difficulty finding the shoes he really wanted. So no success with the shoes for him but i got a pair of running shoes, wow! quite an expensive one: 156 dollars! I hope this motivates me to keep on running....Grace wasn't successfull either with the clothes she wanted but atleast she've bought a few items with her friends during their outing last week.

Maggie, it isn't Azalea but Camelia plant that you've seen on the background. It was on a pot last year and haven't seen it bloom, glad i transfered it on the ground after the summer.

Mama Lieveheersbeestje, de tijdklok had manlief geinstaleerd en ook wat sites geblokkeerd voor hun. Grace balen ervan omdat hyves was ook een van, maar ze mag wel op MSN. Ze zit ook op VWO2, haar raport van het eerste jaar was heel goed maar de laatste tijd ging het slecht dus we proberen wat dingen te verminderen en controleren. Hopelijk dat het werkt.

I hope everyone's having a good week. Thanks so much for stopping by. I areally appreciates your visits.


Terry said...

Love both SAL's! I have the fabric and thread but haven't started yet on the OH SAL yet. I'm hoping things settle down tomorrow so I can. LOL

Annie said...

I'm planning to do that mini-cube too. It's just so adorable! And the Oak Haven one looks pretty.

Sound like you are going to be taking some very expensive steps! You better fly like the wind in those. ;-)

Julie said...

2 lovely SAL's, i'll enjoy watching these grow, the block looks interesting

Dawn T. said...

Both SAL's look wonderful!

Ranae said...

Two very pretty SAL's you have going there
Have fun while on the May vacation

Maggie said...

Pretty SAL, i have to do a shopping trip with my daught before the end of the week, i'm dreading it, she is always looking for something that isn't in the shops, lol

Your right, i got it wrong, Camelia it is! See this is why i stick to simple plants like hostas!
Good job you took it out of the pot, they have beautiful flowers.

Have a good weekend.

Ruth said...

Lovely accomplishments. Although you prove too tempting -- I had to go sign up for the group so I could try that pattern myself. Bad sititcher -- bad stitcher!

So, did the shoes motivate you to an extra run this week?

Ellen said...

Love your mini SALs. I may do the cube, it looks interesting and quick.


Von said...

Pretty stitching, Mylene!!

Running shoes are expensive, but worth it! Hope you get some good weather so you can break them in. :D

Jeanie said...

Love those mini SALs !
Good luck with your running :)

Olga said...

Sounds like you are very busy again. Congrats on the good running shoes! Your both SAls are very interesting projects and your stitching looks so lovely!
Have a great day!

Connie B said...

Love both the SAL's!!

Brigitte said...

This little cube seems to be some extra fun and I'm thinking of stitching it. There are so many wonderful freebies and mystery SALs out there. Thanks, for sharing.

Siobhán said...

Both SALs are beautiful, Mylene! Lovely work. Enjoy your May vacation!

Karan said...

Very nice SAL's - looking forward to seeing both of these completed. Enjoy the vacation. :0)

Wendy said...

Wow! They are all looking so great! Can't wait to see those finished!

Christine said...

Great SALs Mylene

mainely stitching said...

Oh, you have 2 weeks off? We have one, and a couple of days. It's flying, too.

Love your WIPs!!

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...