Thursday, April 23, 2009


I really had done something wrong or the kids as they had used this computer a few times as their own had a time limit for only an hour a day during weekdays. I am fed up stopping them when they are online so hubby set a time limit on both of their pc.
Can't really fine the documents where all the pictures from 2007-2009, i just hope dh can find a way when gets back.

Took some pictures of the tulips i had planted end last year. I didn't know these are quite tall ones but i do love the colors. My small garden is a bit messy but hope to add more plants later.

These were from last year too, thought they were dead during the winter but as you can see they are blooming nicely!

(You can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want)

Here's a picture of the items i received from Lynn. Aren't they lovely!
So neatly finished!

I finished three of these but one is missing here as it went to ,Natalija for the biscornu exchange. One of this will be send to Von when she'll send me her address.

A nice surprise came in today from 1-2-3 Stitch, really wondering when i was holding the envelope as i haven't order anything from there. I quickly opened it and found out Josephine(no blog) had placed the order for me as her way of thanks for receiving the b-day giveaway last year. This is really a cute design. Thanks so much Josephine. Hope you read this message as i can't find your e-mail address.

I do feel pain all over after running for two days but it does feels good so i think i will try to go atleast 3 times a week. So far the weather still good so there's no excuse not too.

Thank you all so much for stopping by. I really appreciate all the comments.


Annette said...

Hi Mylene,

What a lovely tulips, your garden most look lovely.
Nice gifts from the exchanges.

Christine said...

Beautiful tulips Mylene. Lovely exchange gifts too

Erica said...

Your tulips are gorgeous!

Annie said...

Where better to grow tulips than in Holland! I love tulips.

Nice exchange gifts too. Fun to get surprises as I know. ;-)

Maggie said...

Your garden looks lovely and bright, i love Tulips but don't have any in my garden. Is that an azalia i see in the background too? mine hasn't any flowers on just yet.
Hope you manage to sort out your photos when hubby gets back.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Mylene
I have enjoyed catching up with your blog today. I loved your Easter crafts and your tulips are beautiful.
Good luck with finding your missing documents.
Best Wishes

Shari said...

your flowers are so pretty!!!! You have warmer weather than us for sure!!!! My tulips are no where near ready, but by this weekend, they might be!!!!! We are suppose to warm up VERY NICELY the next few days!!!

Carmen said...

lovely tulips.
tomorrow is the birthday os my syster in law, she passed away few week a sad time.

the tulip was his favourite flower, last year she bring form Holland some tulips (red and yellow) now all are blooming.they are beautiful.

Julie said...

Gorgeous flowers, spring is such a nice time of the year.

Nice stitching and gift you received.

Karan said...

Beautiful flowers Mylene - love those 2 colour tulips. Lovely exchange gift & biscornus. Great gift too - the chart design is so cute. :0)

Ellen said...

Beautiful tulips! I love flowers. Your biscornus are beautifully stitched and finished.

I hope that you will be able to find all your missing documents.


Jeanie said...

The tulips are so lovely ! I don't think we can plant there here in Sunny Singapore :)
Your biscornus are so beautifully finished ! and the gift was so thoughtful of Josephine.
Lynn's gifts are so precious !
Good luck with finding your missing documents :)

Olga said...

Love your little garden, the tulips are gorgeous, so are the pansies.
You've got wonderful gift, enjoy.

Siobhán said...

Lovely exchanges, and the tulips are wonderful!

Lillie said...

The tulips are beautiful. Lovely gifts received. Happy weekend to you too :D

Those pins are simple to make really..nothing fancy just beads.

Jan said...

OH those tulips are gorgeous!! Keep up with the running, you will be in great shape. I do love those little biscournus, they are fine!

Ranae said...

Pretty garden of tulips.
The biscornu are so darn cute. Nice exchange gift too.
Looks like spring has sprung

mainely stitching said...

Gorgeous post, Mylene. Your tulips are stunning, and those biscornus are so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What pretty flowers! Keep up with the running Mylene, it really does get easier!

Brigitte said...

Your tulip pictures are wonderful. Tulips are my favourite flowers this spring.
I hope your muscles feel better soon. It's always hard to start running again after the winter. Not that I know anything about it but this is what my son told me, lol.

atelierlemlem said...

Wat een narigheid met je computer! Ik kan mij voorstellen dat je er helemaal gek van wordt! Ik wist niet dat je een soort tijdklok op een computer kan installeren, maar het is wel een goed idee! Hier in huis hebben we één computer in de woonkamer (kan ik het goed in de gaten houden) en daar doen we het met z'n zessen mee. Schoolwerk gaat altijd voor (dat kan heel lang duren, de oudste zit in VWO-3 en moet soms heel veel typen en zo), en voor de jongsten is het ook de tijdslimiet van één uur per dag. En voor de allerjongste'af en toe'. Wat hadden onze moeders het toch makkelijk he? Geen hele dag tv, geen computers...dat scheelde een hele boel gemopper! Maar je bent niet de enige met dit probleem hoor! (gedeelde smart is halve smart..)
Je hebt weer heel mooie borduurwerkjes gemaakt en ontvangen, je lijkt wel een fabriekje! Ik ben wel een beetje jaloers op je hardlopen..ik deed dat ook iedere dag. Tot ik geblesseerd raakte anderhalf jaar ben ik weer 12 kilo zwaarder en durf niet meer te beginnen.. Sterkte! En geniet van de vakantie!
Groetjes Mama Lieveheersbeestje.

glenda said...

pretty flowers!!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...