Friday, June 12, 2009

I am not feeling well!

It started last tuesday evening with a headache and running nose so i went in early. Hubby wasn't happy as it's his last evening, he left wednesday morning to the ship for three and half weeks this time. The last days, had headache on and off and a sore throat but today...with a mild headache i went out for an hour walk with a friend as we haven't seen each other for a while, afterwards a cup of coffee. After she left my headache isn't mild anymore so i took a couple of paracetamols as i need to prepare the meal for lunch, luckily was an easy one as the kids asked earlier for 'Lasagne'. When i've place the dish in the oven i really felt dizzy and a very bad headache so i went to lie down on the couch but not for long as i started vomiting. was awful! At that moment i was a bit afraid as i was alone so i was hoping i will not pass out. Chris came home an hour later, i still felt bad but have to take out the food which is a bit dark but glad still fine.
I've slept part of the afternoon when they went back to school and feel a bit better now. But better stay safe and called off a couple of appointments that was scheduled for tomorrow.

I try to read a few blogs on and off but still i am way behind, hope to catch up very soon.
By the way, Chris picked the winner for this month's giveaway...congrats to Gaynor! Please send me your address info and it will be on it's way to you by next week. THANK YOU all so much who enetered for this month and all the lovely comments.

Not much stitchy updates to show besides this small update on the sampler.

I wish you all a happy weekend!


Julie said...

Poor you Mylene, i hope you are soon feeling much better.

Sampler looks lovely, such pretty colours

Jan said...

Oh I am so sorry you are so ill, Mylene, I do hope that you are better soon.


stitchersanon said...

Oh my goodness thank you so much! I hope you feel better soon though, nothing worse than trying to be mum and feeling poorly.
Take care of yourself.

Edna Melo said...

Olá Mylene!
Eu espero que você se sinta melhor em breve.
Passei para ver as novidades e desejar um abençoado fim de semana!

Julianne said...


I hope you feel better very soon.

I really love your sampler.

Shari said...

Oh Mylene,
I am sorry to hear you are still feeling bad. It sounds like it has gotten worse. Take care of yourself!

CJ in OK ;-) said...

So sorry you are feeling poorly, hope it passes quickly. Loving your sampler the colors are so pretty. CJ ok;-)

Tama said...

I hope you feel better soon!
your sampler looks lovely :D

Natalija said...

Take care and get well really soon!

Annie said...

So sorry to hear you are sick. Rest up this weekend and hopefully you'll start to feel better.
Sending big hugs.

Terry said...

I hope you start feeling better soon Mylene. Healing hugs coming your way!

Loraine said...

You poor thing! The awfulness of it all, especially with your hubby leaving for three weeks.

I pray you will have a fast recovery!

Brigitte said...

Oh Mylene, I'm so sorry to hear that you have been feeling ill. I hope you are on the mend by now.

Lindsay-ann said...

Hi Mylene
So sorry to hear you are not well. I hope that today you are much better.
Try to relaz this weekend and get well again.

Katri said...

I hope you'll feel better soon!

Ellen said...

Hope that you are better soon.

Take care,

Sue said...

So sorry to read that you are not feeling well and I hope that you are better today. Thank you for visiting my blog, I hope you enjoyed your stay. I love the mattress pincushions in your previous post, they make a lovely set.

Wendy said...

Ooh Mylene, I do hope you will feel much better soon. The weather is doing strange here. One day we have some nice temperature and then the other day it is so cold outside.

Love your stitching, you did a lot on it.

mainely stitching said...

Fingers and toes crossed that you'll feel better and stay better!!

Christine said...

Poor you, hope you feel better soon

Maggie said...

mylene, i hope you are feeling better soon.

Congratulations to Gaynor on her win!

Linda in MA said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Felicity said...

Get well soon!

glenda said...

Sorry to hear you were so sick. i hope you are feeling much better by now.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...