Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Zumba trial classes are over!

We really had fun with the Zumba workout the last four weeks, even if we had dificulty following some of the steps especially the movemnets of the hips and shoulders all at once. There were enough people who are interested so there will be classes which will start in September. I sure signed in too and can't wait...I do try though to practice here at home with the help of films through You Tube. I noticed though that the more i am busy with this workout the more i crave something to eat especially salty snacks. hmmmmm!!!
(you can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want)
I had been stitching and finished July, August and September Birthstone & flower samplers. After finishing the June one for the giveaway i decided to try and stitch all of them, from a booklet of The World of Cross Stitching. Just have to do the hemstitching for July and September then they are ready to fill in.

Received a box of Nora Roberts books this afternoon, English ones! I miss reading english books and all they have at the library either i've read it or it's not to my taste. I know one of my friends at the mainland buys lots of English books(that's her hobby) so i ask her to lend me some as you can see, one of the authors she loves is Nora Roberts...me too actually, so i especially asked for it. She does has different crime books but i've chosen the romance ones.
This sure distract me from my stitching!!

I will leave you with a few pictures of my flowers at the backyard.

Planted these violets last march, aren't they lovely!

And these flowers, can't remember the name anymore!

These my other peony finally in bloom!

I am feeling much better, THANKS so much for all the kind comments.

Hope everyone's having a good week!!


monique said...

Those zumba workouts seem great!What a great collection of books. I also have a couple of books from Nora Robberts and I think they're great.

Carmen said...

lovely stitching Mylene.
i am glad that you feel better.
beautiful flower.

Ellen said...

Love your flowers, they are so beautiful. I live in flats, no room for plants to grow.


glenda said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better. Love the birthstone cards!

Olga said...

Congrats on graduating your Zumba classes. :-))
Flower Samplers look so nice. I love your flowers, they are so pretty!

Katri said...

The Flower samplers are lovely!

Enjoy the reading!

Christine said...

Beautiful flowers Mylene. The orange ones are mimulus, (sometimes called monkey flower or monkey musk)
Enjoy your books

Annie said...

Glad you like the Zumba classes so much. I discovered that some of my friends are secret Zumba-lovers too.

Your little samplers are really pretty. As are the real flowers in your garden.

Lula said...

lovely stitching as always x

Brigitte said...

Those birthstone&flower samplers do look very nice. Will you be making them into needlerolls.
Enjoy yhose English books. It's good to read that you feel much better again.

Wendy said...

Congrats on finishing those projects. It looks so wonderful!

Kathy said...

Those birthstone samplers are lovely.
Congrats on the books. I read some of hers too.
I love your flower photos. My peonies are almost finished blooming. Lilies, asiatic and oriental, are just starting to bloom.

Jan said...

Such lovely little samplers. And your flowers are thriving! So glad you are much better now and can enjoy your stitching and those flowers blooming.

Sue said...

Glad that you're feeling better, love the stitching and such beautiful flowers...

Annette said...

Wow the stitching finishs are beautiful, nice job.
Your garden flowers are also beautiful, I hope to plant flowers very soon now.

Von said...

What a display your peonies are putting on this year, Mylene!!! I planted another one in my garden and hope to one day fill a room with the blossoms. :D

Karan said...

Glad to hear you're feeling much better Mylene. Lovely finishes & new WIP. Those flowers are beautiful. Enjoy the books. :0)

Sandra said...

Love your flowers! I have to get me more... My little neighbors show their love for everyone with the ones they get from my garden lol

Sorry to hear you were sick, Hope you're all set now.

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...