Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Nov. giveaway, a simple needlebook!

((you can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want))
simple needlebook
Freebie by: Les grilles de Maryse
32ct linen
DMC threads
Everyone is welcome to enter, but please indicate if you want to be added

for the draw and if possible to leave your e-mail address so i know where to contact you.
It will be open until wednesday next week, 11Nov.

Can't get an appointment for therapy last monday as it was already full, but glad was able to get in yesterday. She was busy for half an hour, which actually the shoulder pain is due to problem on my neck. After that, the pain eases a bit and today is getting better. I am scheduled to go in again on monday.

As you can see i got a dent in our car! Happened last night when i went to pick up the boys(4) after their football training and just dropped one and driving through a norrow road followed by a curve to the right and i didn't noticed i was very near the fence on my right side. It was very dark and raining quite hard. I went back this morning to check out the damage and let the owner of the place know i was the one who did it. Glad it wasn't bad, only a small scratch. They appreciate it that i had tell them about it. oh what a scare it was last night!! I thought aside from the car damage i'll have to face more payment to let the fence fix. I really hadn't sleep much last night thinking of it all.

Hope you are all having a good week. Thank you for visiting my blog, I really appreciate all your visits and lovely comments.


Mylene said...

i really don't know how it happened but i deleted the earlier post.

Anonymous said...

I want to be apart of your drawing I have wanted a needlecase for awhile and to get one from you would be great.

Angela Prescott

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...