Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Nov. giveaway, a simple needlebook!

I messed up the earlier post of this, hope it comes out alright now.
((you can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want))
simple needlebook
Freebie by: Les grilles de Maryse
32ct linen
DMC threads
Everyone is welcome to enter, but please indicate if you want to be added

for the draw and if possible to leave your e-mail address so i know where to contact you.
It will be open until wednesday next week, 11Nov.

Can't get an appointment for therapy last monday as it was already full, but glad was able to get in yesterday. She was busy for half an hour, which actually the shoulder pain is due to problem on my neck. After that, the pain eases a bit and today is getting better. I am scheduled to go in again on monday.

As you can see i got a dent in our car! Happened last night when i went to pick up the boys(4) after their football training and just dropped one and driving through a norrow road followed by a curve to the right and i didn't noticed i was very near the fence on my right side. It was very dark and raining quite hard. I went back this morning to check out the damage and let the owner of the place know i was the one who did it. Glad it wasn't bad, only a small scratch. They appreciate it that i had tell them about it. oh what a scare it was last night!! I thought aside from the car damage i'll have to face more payment to let the fence fix. I really hadn't sleep much last night thinking of it all.

Hope you are all having a good week. Thank you for visiting my blog, I really appreciate all your visits and lovely comments.


Ellen said...

Hi Mylene,

Glad to know that your shoulder is better. What a scare you must had when you hit the fence!

Please enter my name in your giveaway, still want the chance to own something stitched by you.


Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

I would have been so scared had I hit something in the rain! I'm glad it wasn't so bad that you lost control or anything like that!

I hope your shoulder will continue to improve - pain of any kind is no fun.

I'd love to win the beautiful needlebook you stitched. Please put my name in the drawing. Thank you!

Sweet Sue said...

Thx for update on your shoulder Mylene, was thinking of you last couple days and wondering if you are feeling better:) Sorry to hear about your meeting that wicked fence. Plz also enter me, someday I will be lucky enough to have needlebook and a biscornu.

Sweet Stitchin...

lynda said...

What a beautiful needlebook! Please add my name to your drawing Mylene. Thanks!

Becky K in OK said...

What a beautiful needlebook. I'd love to receive it. Please include me.

Melody said...

Lovely needlebook! Please enter my name in your drawing. This is something I keep thinking I want to make, but have not.

Thanks so much

Jeanie said...

A pretty needlebook ! Please include me. Thank you !

Hope your shoulder gets better soon.

Shari said...

beautiful stitching as always!!
So glad you got into the doctor & things are looking better.
So sorry about the car. I am sure the owner of the fence was so happy that you came & told them.
I hope you are sleeping better tonight!!

Ranae said...

What a scare and the damage was mininal.
Please enter for the beautiful needlebook.
I hope it gets better by Monday at the docs
Take care!!

Pike said...

Glad to hear you are feeling better! And that the trouble with the car and fence was minor.

Please enter me, the needlebook looks lovely!


CindyMae said...

That is a beautiful needlebook! Please enter me in the draw!! My email is on my profile! So sorry about the dent, at least no one was hurt!

Michelle said...

Mylene, glad to hear that your shoulder is improving. Driving in the dark when it's raining is never pleasant - thankfully nobody was hurt and the damages were minimal.

The needlebook is gorgeous - please enter my name in the draw.

Have a great stitching week!

Christine said...

Glad your shoulder is getting better and that your car accident wasn't more serious.

Please enter me for your draw, the needlebook is lovely

Carmen said...

i am glad yhat your shoulder be better. What a scare you must had when you hit the fence, and with rain!.the giid news is you are fine.

please enter me in the draw too,i have a pinkeep,but this needlebook,is so pretty!!!

Vinniey said...

Good to hear that your shoulder is getting better now and I hope you will totally recover soon. :) Luckily it's just a minor accident.

The little needlebook is so lovely! Please count me in, Mylene.

Annie said...

Hi Mylene. I must have written my earlier comment just about the time you were deleting the post. I got a blogger error message and thought it didn't go through, but glad to know it made it to your e-mail.

Hope you are calming down now and also seeing the shoulder continue to improve.

Annette said...

What a lovely needlebook, i love to enter the draw.

To bad of the car and your shoulder, hope it's soon better

Carol said...

Hi Mylene--so happy to hear that the shoulder/neck problem is stargint to heal. Those areas can take quite a while to fully feel better, can't they? Glad no one was hurt in your car accident...

I'd love to be entered into your draw for the pretty needlebook--thanks so much :)

Debra said...

Beautiful stitching and finishing!!! Glad no one was hurt.

Karan said...

Cars & fences can be fixed - what matters most is that no one was hurt Mylene, Bless you. Lots of (((((((((hugs))))))))).
It's a beautiful needlebook. :0)

Olga said...

Glad to hear that your shoulder is doing better.
I am so sorry to hear about your car accident, can imagine how much scared you were. Hugs.
The needlebook is so pretty, I'd like to be entered in your draw. Thank you for the chance.

Jan said...

Oh Sweet Mylene, I am so glad the accident wasn't any worse then it was and thankfully no one was hurt!! You take good care, and I hope the therapy works great and even better on your next visit!

I love the needlebook and would love to have something that you made! Thanks!

Kim Reid said...

Hope you are feeling better!
Please include me in the draw for your beautiful needlebook - Thanks!

Amarins said...

Hoi Mylene,
Wat heb je een prachtig boekje gemaakt. Ik zou graag meedoen in de loting. HIj is werkelijk prachtig.

Sterkte met je schouder, hopen dat het gauw beter wordt.


Edit said...

I would like to be included for the draw for the needlebook, it is so lovely!

Must have been very scary that night in the rain :(

Best wishes,

edit . stitching @ gmail . com (without the spaces)

Ruth said...

What a lovely needlebook - please add me to the drawing.

too_busy_to_stitch said...

Glad to hear that your shoulder is better. I'd love to enter the giveaway...

Viv x

omashee aka Barb said...

So glad your shoulder/neck is doing better. Things that go bump in the night can't help the tension. How awful about your car and the fence. Hope both are covered by your insurance.
Your needlebook is lovely & I would be proud to own something stitched by you. Please enter me in your drawing.

Carol R said...

Lovely giveaway Mylene! Please enter me into the draw.

Love the picture of Chris with his multi-coloured hair!

Anonymous said...

Your needlecase is beautiful. I love the design you used. Please put my name in for the drawing. Thanks, Janet in Texas.

Sunshine said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. Keep up the Therapy. Nice work on the needlebook. Please add me to your drawing so I have a chance to receive a 1st needlebook.
Thanks In Advance,

Shpinelka said...

Lovely needlebook! Please include me in your giveaway.
Feel better!

Bev C said...

Hello Mylene,

So glad to hear that things are improving with your shoulder. It is scary driving in the rain, your car can be mended which is a good thing. Have a lovely weekend,and yes I would love to be entered to win your beautiful stitchery. Happy days.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad your shoulder is starting to feel better. Shame about the car, but these things do happen unfortunately. I'd love to be entered into your giveaway.

Lillie said...

Glad to know you wasn't hurt and the damage is minimal. Should have seen the damage I made on my car last month, lot worst!

Please enter me for the draw..Thanks!

Siobhán said...

I'm glad that you are starting to feel better. I'm also glad that was just a small problem on the car. I did that last year, I actually hooked the car on a huge iron fence, and scratched the entire side of it. I was sick over it. €1500 later (thank God for insurance!), the car is fixed but I refuse to drive through that gate any longer!!

I'd love to be entered in your giveaway, thanks!

Unknown said...

I would love to be entered into the draw please Mylene. This is such a cute little needlebook and always so well made by you.

hugs Sarah xx

Stitcher said...

Sorry to hear you are in pain but glad it's getting better.
You sound like a very busy woman and mother....I'm getting tired just reading about all the things you do! And you still have time to pump out so many beautiful finishes...where do you get your energy girl?
Ok, get better!!!

Irene said...

Glad to hear the damage was only minor, main thing is no one was hurt. Hope your shoulder is feeling better. I would love to be entered in your drawing, the needlebook is not only lovely but my colors and made by you !

Laurie in TX said...

It was nice of you to be honest and let the owner of the fence know that you hit it. Not many people are that honest anymore!

I'd love to enter your drawing and you can enter my drawing too on my blog. I am celebrating my 45th birthday all month long..anyone can enter!!

Thank you!
Laurie in TX

Jackie said...

hope your shoulder is feeling better, pls take care.

sorry for the car damage.

Hazel said...

What a lovely needlebook. I'd love to be entered. Hope your shoulder is feeling better now. x

Sally said...

I hope your shoulder is much better Mylene {{{{hugs}}}}

Your needlebook is gorgeous and I would love to be entered in your draw please. my email is

Quiltsmiles said...

Lovely needlebook, please put my name in your darwing. Good lUck all.

Meari said...

Glad you didn't do more damage to your car. Whew! I hope your shoulder pain is feeling better soon. Does the pain go down your arm, too? Beautiful needlebook! Include me in your drawing, please.

Carin said...

Hoi Mylene, ik doe graag mee in de verloting. Wat jammer van die kras op je auto.
Ook bedankt voor je reactie op mijn blog, ik ben inderdaad de laatste follower. Ik kwam ineens je weblog weer tegen en heb hem dus gelijk bij mijn google reader gezet :) Wij zijn geen onbekenden van elkaar, maar kennen elkaar van div. borduurgroepen. Does this ring a bell ?

Chiloe said...

I hate driving on the rain either ... I'm glad it wasn't worse than that.

Hope your shoulder get better very soon.

Please enter me in your giveaway ;-)

Take care !!!

jdnrob said...

so glad you weren't seriously hurt.

I would love to win a piece you have stitched. Please include me.

Joanie R.

jdnrob said...

so glad you weren't seriously hurt.

I would love to win a piece you have stitched. Please include me.

Joanie R.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...