Friday, June 18, 2010


...spending time on the computer, oh yes i am keeping myself busy! And the weather isn't that good for walking so i did Zumba for about half an hour every evening except tonight as Chris wanted to watch the football game U.K versus Algeria!!

Here's my finishes so far, the june block for the RR-Margaret Sherry designs.

And a PS design for a quilt, will be assembled later this year for one of the yahoo member. This is a pretty quick stitch compare to the block above where lots of backstitching.

Took this picture of the pion rose a few days ago, the flowers are blooming now.

With the strong winds last week some were bend down so i cut a few for inside.

Here's how they look like today!

Boxes are piling up in every room. I still have lots to do and have a week before hubby comes home. He sure expect most are ready to be transfered to the hired container or space when he gets back.

Please take a look at Olenka's blog as she's having a lovely giveaway! She has also some gorgeous designs!!

Thanks for visiting and HAPPY WEEKEND to all!!


Anonymous said...

What a cute little piggie.

Good luck with the move. I'm sort of new to your blog. Did you say where you are moving to?

Annie said...

Very cute stitching. I'm surprised you're able to find the time for it. But looks like things are progressing nicely. Have fun finishing up all that packing!

Lisa V said...

I used to stitch Margaret Sherry designs when I did RR's a few years ago, but I have to say I dont miss stitching them, they used to take a long time, and those half stitches would drive me nuts. They are beautiful when finished though, I have the pig holding the roses as a cute hanging pillow finish in my stitching room.
Hugs to you

Berly said...

Your finishes are adorable! Good luck on the packing & moving!

Olga said...

The pig is so funny, I love it. Your Peonies look pretty , so is Hardanger table runner.
Thank you for the link.
Happy packing :-), hugs,

Erna said...

Hello Mylene, I like your piggies and I absolutely love your peonies.
All the luck with the packing and sorting.Have a nice weekend

Kay said...

I love the June design for the RR! The PS finish is adorable as well! I see the packing is coming along nicely for you, I bet you will be happy to see it over and done with though also!

Pike said...

Your stitching is lovely as always. Good luck with the boxes: I have somehow missed the mention of you moving...

Lesleyanne said...

Lovely stitching. Good luck with the packing.

Christine said...

Great stitching Mylene, I love the little pig design.
Beautiful paeonies too.
Good luck with the packing

Maggie said...

Mylene i'm suprised you managed to fit any stitching in with all that packing! Cute piggy though:-)

Hope you manage to get it all done for next week

Annette said...

Wow the MS pig looks great... and the P for... too. great stitching.
And what a lot of luck with packing...what a busy time for you...

Alice said...

Mylene, that is such a happy pig you stitched there. You cannot help smiling looking at its expression. Two really nice finishes. My word girl, don't get me started on packing. I had no idea there was so much stuff in our kitchen! The weather sure has been lousy in France as well. No end to all the rain. Good luck with the rest of your packing. Its not easy living out of boxes.

Julianne said...


I'm glad I was able to help you out with the pig chart. It turned out so cute.

You are doing a great job with your packing. Keep it up :)

Jackie's Stitches said...

Great finishes! The roses are lovely too. After reading your blog this spring, I know I need more color in my yard. I'm going to get a rosemary bush too.

Good luck with the packing. It always seems like it will last forever.

Lindsay-ann said...

Love your finishes Mylene. Glad you are still managing to stitch aswell as pack. Your pink roses are so pretty.
Hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Unknown said...

what a cute little pig my sister would like that !!!!

Edit said...

Good luck with the packing Mylene! I can imagine it is a lot of work.

Your stitches are really great and your flowers.... I especially love the photo that you took inside. The flowers and that beautiful hardanger!!! :)

Have a great Sunday,

Amarins said...

Hoi Mylene, ik heb je mailtje gelezen hoor, ik reageer later nog even. Wat heb je prachtige werkjes gemaakt, echt heel mooi.
En wat een prachtige pioenrozen, dat is genieten.
Veel sterkte met inpakken.

Rena said...

How cute is that little pig :O)))
I love your hardanger tablerunner,
Have fun finishing up all that packing


Lainey said...

What a cute piggie and lovely PS Square.
Good luck with all that packing!

Jackie said...

oh, so cute piggy ! those boxes will keep you busy for a while, need help ?

Sharon said...

Both finishes are great! I had not seen the pig before. said...

The pig is very cute and i love your hardanger tablerunner,
good luck with your move Mylene !
Have a nice sunday ...
Hugs Ingrid

Bertie said...

Your Peonies look wonderful, mine did not get eaten this year by the deer, so hope they come out soon.

Don't envy you packing Mylene, and yes you always want something which is already packed LOL.

MaryT said...

Mylene the little pig is so cute and of course the PS is lovely too!

Kajsa said...

Cute pig! Good luck with all the packing!

Jackie said...

Love the pig Mylene and of course everything else. You have been one busy bee. I see boxes. Where will you go?

Bev C said...

Hello Mylene, what a cute pig. Happy packing,you must be so fit doing the zumba and packing up your home. Have a great week.

Conny said...

Cute pig and lovely PS piece!
Good luck wiht packing.

mbroider said...

OMG, have fallen in love with the Margaret Sherry ones. Which magazines are these available in??!!!

You seem to be busier htan usual with all the packing and the stitching!

too_busy_to_stitch said...

Love the stitching :) Good luck with the move!

Julie said...

Cute piggy design, that looks it was a fun project to stitch.

Good luck with the packing!

Meari said...

Congrats on your finishes, Mylene. Your pion rose looks a lot like the peony flowers we have here in the US.

Wendy said...

that is one happy piggy !
and your hubby better be that to when he sees all the work you have done ! lol !

Karan said...

Two more lovely finishes Mylene. That pig is a real cutie. My peonies are suffering in the heat & dropping petals very quickly. Hope that packing is soon done. :0)

July & August ornaments

Been a crazy chaotisch the last months at work..working more than 10 hours a day most days a week due to lack of staff, that contributed to ...