Sunday, May 07, 2006


I am not productive with stitching this week. It's a week school break for the children. The weather has been very good at last. And the outside swimming pool has been open the end of April so they've been there everyday, from tuesday till saturday. Both with their friends. And what a coincidence, Grace friend is the big sister of Chris friend. They've been together everyday, one night the girls slept here while the boys went to the other side and the next day, the boys came here and the girls to the other side. We are really glad they play/get together very well.

Here's some 3D cards though that i finally completed, atleast i am ahead with this cards for birthdays. I have still a lot more that i already cut, just have to buy some cards to work on to.


Von said...

Even with the children around more during their break, you've managed quite well to get some cards made up! Good work, Mylene. :D
I'm so glad that you had good weather too! Seems like it took far too long for Spring to arrive in Texel!

Kitty Couture said...

Your cards look great, Mylene! :)

Margaret said...

Hi Mylene,

It was nice to meet you through San's forum. Thought I'd drop by your web-site.

Your birthday cards are lovely. My sister used to do a lot of 3D but I've never felt I would be good at it.

I lived in The Netherlands for many years but have never been to Texel. I've heard it's beautiful.


Elizabeth Braun said...

I'm not exactly at my peak of productivity either, but we are getting *something* done, Mylene! Keep up the good work.


...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...