Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I received this one sometime last week but always forgot to take a pic and share. It's one of the rr on yahoo groups which took more than a year instead of a half year. One member has it for nearly half year but still haven't had the time to sticth any on it. The leader of the group had stitched two in the end, which was really great and i am very grateful for it. Didn't know it until i received the piece and read her note.

Well, weekend went well. Both days we've been out for birthdays so haven't had done any stitching at all. Now, my two days work are done so hopefully will do some stitching these coming days, unless if we're out again. still two weeks to go before the children goes back to school. Glad they are still enjoying the break, playing with their friends, just like yesterday evening when i came home, Grace been to one of her friends for the night and Chris has been to one of his friends for the afternoon. Today, Chris friend came here and was brought back after dinner. Just heard it all when i came home a couple of hours ago, quite late actually. Both are in bed already when i came home.


Elizabeth Braun said...

That is one great RR to get back, Mylene! Bet you're loving looking at it. What are you going to do with it now?

Kitty Couture said...

What a cute RR! That was awfully nice of the group leader to stitch the remaining square.

Margaret said...

What a long wait for your RR, but the result is very sweet. What a nice gesture from your group leader.


...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...