Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Whew! Such busy days at work the last days. For two days been on my feet for nine hours, only 15 minutes break for late lunch. It just that the weather turn cool, cloudy, windy and on and off rain that lots of people comes in for warm drinks the whole afternoon and then at five we are open for dinner and lots of folks especially yesterday evening, we had to say no for some as we are really full. well, now work days over till monday for me!!!!!!!!!!!
But can't rest or stitch, this afternoon some friends come and stay for a few days. Two couples and two kids, and they will put up a tent at the back of our house. It is just a pity, it's so wet.
Oh well, i better go and start some cleaning and tidying!!!!!!!!!

Hi Elisabeth, haven't had much time to place all the wishlist i've actually have in mind but i needed a list for one of the Yahoo groups. More will be listed other times...

Finished these for the monthly SAL ornaments.

1 comment:

Leslie aka zoeandcooper said...

Great finishes. I love stitching ornaments, they finish so quickly!

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...