Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SBEBB Garden Theme Exchange

Garden Pleasure Pinkeep
Little House Needleworks Design
32 ct. linnen, DMC floss

I just heard that Jill received my SBEBB Garden Theme Exchange for her yesterday. So glad to hear she likes it and all the extra's enclosed.

Nothing to share of other stitching as i haven't touch a needle since Sunday. And had worked the last couple of days, which was really busy. It's not surprising actually as it's 2 weeks school vacation here and weather seems good so lots are coming or are already here on the island for a break!

I see, it's now bright and sunny outside while an hour ago it has been raining while we're out with the kids.
Hope to do some stitching tonight as i need to start either for the Freebie Design Exchange or the ABC exchange, or a few cards....
Many many thanks for visiting and all the lovely comments. I really appreciate them all.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Spring House and Garden Exchange

Surprise surprise!!!!! What a wonderful coincidence that we are partners with the Spring House and Garden Exchange, Carol!! You have received it first, you're probably thinking....ohhh!!! When the mailman handed me the box this afternoon and saw your name it made me smile and upon opening the package that confirms my suspicion.

I just LOVE the box you have made,Carol. Your stitching and finishing is very neatly done! All the extra goodies are really great. You sure have spoiled me. Thank you so much!!

And here's a picture of the Spring House and Garden i've made and sent to Carol. So glad to hear you like it as well as the extra's. Haven't taken a picture of the whole package but Carol have a good picture at her blog.

Here's the back of the piece. I do love it myself when it was finally done, i can say it was a bit difficult to part with it, but i feel better when Carol says she likes it.

Shay, the Country French Needleroll of M Designs are available here: ,Stitches 'N Things and Eileen Gurak is new to me too, here's her website
Handblessings, there are quite some nice ones there i would like to add to my collection.

Thanks so much to all who stopped by and especially leaving comments. They are so much appreciated.

The children have now two weeks vacation so stitching will not be much as well as being online.

Have a wonderful weekend to all!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Country French Needleroll & prize!

Ooohhhhh! I thought i couldn't make it for the month challenge this April but here it is, a few days before the month's over.

Designer: M Designs
Fabric: 28ct white Jobelan
Threads: DMC

My prize for last month's challenge just arrived from Down Sunshine Lane. Arent's these designs lovely!! I do hope to start one soon. Thanks so much to Becky!!!

Lastly, took a picture of one of the beautiful flowers that one of our friends had given us last weekend. Such a lovely arrangement!

Thank you all so much for stopping by and all the lovely comments! I really appreciate them all.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

X'mas SAL, Hardanger, & ...long hair

Here's a picture of my x'mas SAL for the month of April. Not yet finish into something as i am not sure how to or what kind. It's by Midsummer Nights Designs, featured at JCS 2007.

I've been working on this lately, though it was started a long time ago. Now, it's finally finish and hope to make it into a cushion one day.....

This is a picture of my hair after removing the french braid the next day. I LOVE it!! As well as DH and said maybe i could let it curls, i mean maybe the hairdresser can do something like this. I am afraid it might be a very expensive one but he said it doesn't matter. I only know the texture of my hair which is quite thick that it wouldn't be easy to work it with curls.
Oh by the way, one had ask how long is my hair...we've measured it last night from top... is 76cm(29.9 inches).

Thank you all so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leaving comments. I really appreciate them all and hope you'll continue to come and visit.

DH birthday celebration went well last saturday. TOO BUSY though! I've prepared a kind of buffet for the visitors in the late afternoon especially friends who are from the mainland and taking the last ferry home which was 9pm. But i end up 26 people for dinner including us, (10 kids ages 4 to 13.) I've prepared 6 different recipes and two of our friends from the mainland brought each recipes. WOW! Almost all were finished! And had lots of good compliments with our cooking. Hmmmm, honestly, i was too busy trying to please everyone i haven't had tasted all. Well, just happy everyone had enjoyed. Atleast, it wasn't so busy in the evening as in the the whole, nearly 40 people who dropped by!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Pure Indulgence

First of all, i want to thank you all who come and visit my blog and leaving comments. I do really appreciate them all. Hope you'll continue to stop by.

I'm a bit off with exchanges, i mean a few where already on it's way to the recipients: SBEBB for the spring home and garden exchange, small finish exchange at CSE and another SFE at ILCS. I am so glad they were all on time and
now i can work on some of my goals for this year. Here's one finish for the three lovely pieces of Joanne Elliott that i really wanted for myself. I've started the next one too but it's not much to show a picture of it.

A picture of the scissor fob i've received from Georgie for the Prairie Schooler scissor fob exchange. I am sorry for the blurred pictures, this is the second time i took but i can't seem to get it right.

I do love this tiny little piece. Thanks so much, Georgie.

I've been to the hairdresser the other day for a trim and then after trimming she braided it. I do love how it turned out. A pity i can't do it myself, i did try to do it but not so neat as this one.

DH is celebrating his birthday tomorrow, nearly two weeks after, as his birthday was the 9th of April. It was on a wednesday and he's been to the mainland everyday that week for a course. We just went out for dinner that night, just the four of us. I am busy preparing some foods for tomorrow, and a couple more tomorrow morning while they go for Chris the way, i always say football but i was reminded one time that the english version of this is :"soccer"!!

I hope you all have a great weekend!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Pinkeeps exchanges on HOE

Thank you all so much for all your nice comments with my last post. I really appreciate them all.

I've seen that Jen received the package i sent to her for the pinkeep exchange, so i can show a picture of it. What a coincidence that she's my partner for the biscornu and the pinkeep exchange at the same group. I just hope she will not get bored with what i've made and sent.

LHN "Schoolgirl Lessons" on 32ct linnen and used Belle Soie, Rose of Sharon.

Here's some pictures of the pinkeep package i received from Jill. I really love the pinkeep! Jill finished it so neatly and she's very generous with the extra's. I see, there's one missing on the picture for the extra though, the cream ribbon. Thank you so much, Jill!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

I am back online & Spring pictures!!

Thanks to my dh for fixing my computer and i am so glad most were intact. At first, when he was working on it he thought all were gone including the pictures. I do still have some problems with logging to a few groups and i am not even sure if this post will come out as i got a few errors earlier when i log in to my blog. Really hope these will come through.

Honestly, i haven't done much stitching lately. I thought without the pc i have more time to stitch but it seems i lost my inspirations to do so. Atleast i've completed these into pinkeeps and cards, they were stitched before my pc crashed.

Aren't they soooooo cute!!!! These are spring quickies from Cross Stitch Crazy magazine, issued march 2003.

We had company last week too. Max stayed with us for a long weekend as the owner went skiing. We are getting use to his company we really do miss him when he's taken home.

Weather has been great the last days. Been for a walk almost everyday and did took my camera one time and taken a few pictures of the lambs. Since the weather's fine most were outside already.

Thanks so much for stopping by and really do miss checking blogs and groups lately. Hope to catch up these coming days.
I see it's midnight so off to bed.....

Have a nice weekend to all!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

My computer is Kapot!

Since thursday my computer is down and i think it will take some time before it get fix, so won't be online for a while.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Flatfold, fob & winning the challenge..!!

Whew!!! Finally can upload the pictures as i've been trying for an hour now but got an error. I've give up and shut down my computer hoping it will work after logging back and it did!

But first, i've read from the Monthly Finishing Challenge that i've won a gift certificate for the Pinkeep Challenge. I can't beleive it at first as i was in a rush viewing updates and have to read it a couple of times before i realise it's my name that was picked out for the draw.
Becky, thank you so much. I've join the group to get more motivated in finishing items and off course would love to see what everyone's working out and winning the draw is a real treat!

I've started working this unto a flatfold last weekend but wasn't able to finish it off until today. It did takes more time and patience than i had expected but i am happy with the outcome. This is one of my

favorites for finishing projects. I just wish the fabrics here aren't too expensive or maybe it's the same everywhere. There's one small quilt shop here on the island and that's where i buy the fabrics, with the one i use for the backing for this has cost $6.00(measured 50cm x 55cm). I don't know how much does cost with the same piece in the U.S.

Received a package from Dawn.
I know you did mentioned something is coming my way but don't know what, so it is still a surprise and what a very nice surprise indeed. It's just soooo cute and really like the fabric you have used and what a nice smell too. I LOVE it!! Thank you so much for making this for me.

Before turning off, thought to add a couple of pictures from the match last weekend. Chris group had won the game with the score of 7, and the other group had 3. It was not an easy match especially as the field was very wet. Actually, most of the football match that saturday morning was cancelled because the field was too wet.

Thanks so much for stopping by and all the nice comments.

January & February ornaments

The january ornament was a freebie years back at The Floss is not available anymore as a freebie but i think it can be ordered at he...