Saturday, April 12, 2008

I am back online & Spring pictures!!

Thanks to my dh for fixing my computer and i am so glad most were intact. At first, when he was working on it he thought all were gone including the pictures. I do still have some problems with logging to a few groups and i am not even sure if this post will come out as i got a few errors earlier when i log in to my blog. Really hope these will come through.

Honestly, i haven't done much stitching lately. I thought without the pc i have more time to stitch but it seems i lost my inspirations to do so. Atleast i've completed these into pinkeeps and cards, they were stitched before my pc crashed.

Aren't they soooooo cute!!!! These are spring quickies from Cross Stitch Crazy magazine, issued march 2003.

We had company last week too. Max stayed with us for a long weekend as the owner went skiing. We are getting use to his company we really do miss him when he's taken home.

Weather has been great the last days. Been for a walk almost everyday and did took my camera one time and taken a few pictures of the lambs. Since the weather's fine most were outside already.

Thanks so much for stopping by and really do miss checking blogs and groups lately. Hope to catch up these coming days.
I see it's midnight so off to bed.....

Have a nice weekend to all!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you back online Mylene. Your pinkeeps & cards are quite lovely. Really enjoy your family pics and your children are adorable. Happy Weekend to you also.
Barb in TX

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you are back on line. Your spring stitching is wonderful as always! Thank you for sharing! Love the pictures of the family - you all look so happy and loving.
huggles to all, Marta.

Debra said...

Great finishes Mylene. I really like the fabric you used on the pinkeeps. Debra in Indiana

Christine said...

Welcome back online Mylene.
Lovely pinkeeps :)

Carmen said...

oh! yor pinkeep look really cute,all,the stitch part,and the fabric back.

i hope you have a great week :D

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back online Mylene, Lovely pinkeeps they are so cute :)

Olga said...

Happy to see you back on line! I like your spring stitching, the colors are so lovely!Great finish on your pinkeeps and the back fabric is so nice!

Julie said...

So pleased you are back to blogging and DH fixed your PC.

Lovely stitching, very pretty finishes

nela said...

Felicidades Mylene, tienes unos hermosos trabajos

monique said...

nice to see you back online again.
What a gorgious finishes!
Have a lovely week.

Lillie said...

Glad to see you back but looks like mine's is in trouble. Logging in seems like impossible these days :(

Your smalls are wonderfully pretty and lovely photos.

Sally said...

Welcome back Mylene. All your finishes are beautiful.

Karan said...

Welcome back Mylene. Lovely finishes, especially those Spring pinkeeps.
Great family pics too - Max definitely loves his visits with you all. :0)

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