Tuesday, April 22, 2008

X'mas SAL, Hardanger, & ...long hair

Here's a picture of my x'mas SAL for the month of April. Not yet finish into something as i am not sure how to or what kind. It's by Midsummer Nights Designs, featured at JCS 2007.

I've been working on this lately, though it was started a long time ago. Now, it's finally finish and hope to make it into a cushion one day.....

This is a picture of my hair after removing the french braid the next day. I LOVE it!! As well as DH and said maybe i could let it curls, i mean maybe the hairdresser can do something like this. I am afraid it might be a very expensive one but he said it doesn't matter. I only know the texture of my hair which is quite thick that it wouldn't be easy to work it with curls.
Oh by the way, one had ask how long is my hair...we've measured it last night from top... is 76cm(29.9 inches).

Thank you all so much for taking the time to visit my blog and leaving comments. I really appreciate them all and hope you'll continue to come and visit.

DH birthday celebration went well last saturday. TOO BUSY though! I've prepared a kind of buffet for the visitors in the late afternoon especially friends who are from the mainland and taking the last ferry home which was 9pm. But i end up 26 people for dinner including us, (10 kids ages 4 to 13.) I've prepared 6 different recipes and two of our friends from the mainland brought each recipes. WOW! Almost all were finished! And had lots of good compliments with our cooking. Hmmmm, honestly, i was too busy trying to please everyone i haven't had tasted all. Well, just happy everyone had enjoyed. Atleast, it wasn't so busy in the evening as in the afternoon...in the whole, nearly 40 people who dropped by!


Anonymous said...

Your stitching is beautiful. What a co-incidence. I just opened the french braids too and I have curls in my hair. My hair ain't that thick & long as yours. Your hair looks really pretty.

Olga said...

Your hair looks stunning and I like the french braid in it.You've made very lovely pieces, the hardanger is gorgeous!

MissGorgoglio said...

Your stitching are beautiful, your hair are stunning!

Meari said...

Your finishes turned out nice, Mylene. Your hair turned out pretty. My Mom has long hair like yours and she perms it with curls.

Vicky L said...


WOW! What beautiful hair! It is gorgeous!
Your stitching is beautiful too. Congratsulations on the finishes!

Anonymous said...

Your April ornament is cute. Love the hardanger finsh!!!!! Your hair is sooo pretty. Sounds like you had a great turnout for your DH birthday bash.
Betty in AZ (ILCS)

Sally said...

Beautiful pieces Mylene. I really like the ornament.

too_busy_to_stitch said...

I love your hair Mylene - my DD Teresa has hair just like that - length AND curls, and boy is it difficult to wash and dry, lol! Love the ornie too of course!

Carmen said...

beautiful stitching!

Karan said...

Love the stitching Mylene. Wow, do I love your hair - I'm even more envious now! :0)
Glad all went well for your DH's celebrations but it sounds exhausting as well as fun.

Anonymous said...

Your hair is gorgeous. Yep, I'm still jealous. lol Love your stitching. Beautiful work!!!
Barb in TX

Anonymous said...

Beautiful hair :)

Easy way to get the same curls would be to put braids in yourself after washing (doesn't have to be a french braid, it can be many small ones) and allow your hair to dry naturally. Or wash your hair and put rags in, and allow your hair to dry like that.

My mum used to do both for me when my hair was that length (and thickness).

mainely stitching said...

Oh what gorgeous stitching! And your hair ... sigh! I'm so jealous!

Stitchingranny said...

Lovely Mylene, both stitching and hair.

Debra said...

Mylene, congrats on your finishings. I love the hardanger. Your hair is beautiful. But if you have it permed, that long you will not like the way it feels and the weight of your hair could pull the curls out. I hope that makes since. Sounds like your huddy had a great birthday.
Debra in Indiana

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...