Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SBEBB Garden Theme Exchange

Garden Pleasure Pinkeep
Little House Needleworks Design
32 ct. linnen, DMC floss

I just heard that Jill received my SBEBB Garden Theme Exchange for her yesterday. So glad to hear she likes it and all the extra's enclosed.

Nothing to share of other stitching as i haven't touch a needle since Sunday. And had worked the last couple of days, which was really busy. It's not surprising actually as it's 2 weeks school vacation here and weather seems good so lots are coming or are already here on the island for a break!

I see, it's now bright and sunny outside while an hour ago it has been raining while we're out with the kids.
Hope to do some stitching tonight as i need to start either for the Freebie Design Exchange or the ABC exchange, or a few cards....
Many many thanks for visiting and all the lovely comments. I really appreciate them all.


Sally said...

Oh, Mylene, your pinkeep finish is absolutely beautiful:)

Christine said...

That is lovely Mylene

mainely stitching said...

What a gorgeous exchange you prepared!!

The weather here has gone from pouring rain to blinding sunlight and back again for the past several days. Seems to always rain when we're out, and the sun shines after I've given up and gotten the kids cozy with a DVD...

JillMN said...

Mylene, Thank you so much for the beautiful exchange. The pinkeep is just gorgeous. Your stitching and finishing is outstanding! It was such a treat after work to come home and find that in the mail. Happy Stitching! :)

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful Mylene!!!!
Betty in AZ (ILCS)

Karan said...

Lucky lady, Jill! The pinkeep is beautiful Mylene - love the ribbon you've used too. :0)

Anonymous said...

lovely pinkeep Mylene, I'm doing that design at the moment, hoe it turns out as nice as your one

Lillie said...

Fabulous pinkeep

Carol said...

Oh Mylene, I love's really pretty! :o)

too_busy_to_stitch said...

Mylene, your pinkeeps are all just lovely - they're inspiring me to have a go!

Anonymous said...

Lovely finish, Mylene.

Debra said...

Mylene, very nice.
Debra in Indiana

Lelia said...

Beautiful exchange!!! Luv your pinkeep : )

Carol said...

GORGEOUS exchange for Jill!! :-)

Stitchingranny said...

Oh thats so pretty Mylene its just my sort of thing.

Olga said...

Wow! A very pretty pinkeep and such a perfect finish.

Hazel said...

That is a beautiful pinkeep Mylene! I love it. xx

Yuko said...

Hi Mylene, it's the first time for me to leave you comment!
I'm reading and looking through your lovely blog, there are plenty of beautiful works here!
It's so fun!
And your exchange piece is very beautiful and lovely!

Ranae said...

Hi! I enjoyed browsing all the beautiful stitching. You have a wonderful blog. Faboulous pinkeep finish.

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