Friday, April 18, 2008

Pure Indulgence

First of all, i want to thank you all who come and visit my blog and leaving comments. I do really appreciate them all. Hope you'll continue to stop by.

I'm a bit off with exchanges, i mean a few where already on it's way to the recipients: SBEBB for the spring home and garden exchange, small finish exchange at CSE and another SFE at ILCS. I am so glad they were all on time and
now i can work on some of my goals for this year. Here's one finish for the three lovely pieces of Joanne Elliott that i really wanted for myself. I've started the next one too but it's not much to show a picture of it.

A picture of the scissor fob i've received from Georgie for the Prairie Schooler scissor fob exchange. I am sorry for the blurred pictures, this is the second time i took but i can't seem to get it right.

I do love this tiny little piece. Thanks so much, Georgie.

I've been to the hairdresser the other day for a trim and then after trimming she braided it. I do love how it turned out. A pity i can't do it myself, i did try to do it but not so neat as this one.

DH is celebrating his birthday tomorrow, nearly two weeks after, as his birthday was the 9th of April. It was on a wednesday and he's been to the mainland everyday that week for a course. We just went out for dinner that night, just the four of us. I am busy preparing some foods for tomorrow, and a couple more tomorrow morning while they go for Chris the way, i always say football but i was reminded one time that the english version of this is :"soccer"!!

I hope you all have a great weekend!


Meari said...

PI looks yummy! Congrats on the finish.

Shari said...

your stitched piece is so pretty!!! I can see why you wanted stitching time for yourself.
I LOVE the french braid in your hair. I used to do my daughter's hair like that!!! Very pretty!

Julie said...

Your hair looks stunnin Mylene, very beautiful

Lovely stitching too

Belated Happy Birthday to DH, and Good Luck to Chris at the football match

Christine said...

Great finish Mylene, and your hair looks beautiful

Debra said...

Mylene, pretty braid. Congrats on the finish, that is something I would stitch LOL! The fob is cute too. Thanks for all the pictures.
Debra in Indiana

mainely stitching said...

Oh, I miss my long hair! Your braid is so pretty!!

And lovely stitching too!!

Sally said...

Love your Joan Elliot piece and the fob is so pretty.

Your hair is lovely Mylene.

Dawn T. said...

Your piece and the fob both look great!

You have such pretty hair!

Carol R said...

What a beautiful French braid. I love long hair, I used to be able to sit on mine but now it just below shoulder length.
Nice scissor fob from Georgie.

Karan said...

I want beautiful hair like yours! :0)
Great finish Mylene - I do like JE's designs. The fob you received is very pretty too.:0)
Hope you're having a good belated celebration for DH.

Carmen said...

happy birthday to your DH :)

lovely finish of your stitches too ;)
have a nice week

Margaret said...

Your hair looks great. Possibly Grace can learn how to do it like this for you.

Lovely stitching for your exchanges Mylene. I often wonder where you find the time. Glad to see you are stitching something for yourself now - very pretty.

Have a great day tomorrow as you celebrate DH's birthday.

Jen said...

Thank you so much for the pinkeep. I love it! It will have a special place in my craftroom. I love the ice cream piece you finished also. Very cute.

Lillie said...

Both your JE and fob are adorable.

Lovely braid, my hair used to be that long too..not anymore.

Happy birthday and a great day with your DH.

Wanda said...

Love the ice cream! The fob is too cute congrats! Wow you have beautiful hair and I complain about how long mine is, I will keep my mouth shut now! I getting your fabric together, soon I will be sending something your way.

Anonymous said...

Great stitching - as always!!! ;D And your braid is gorgeous. I am soooo jealous of beautiful long hair. Mine is way too thick & gives me headaches if I let it get long, so I'm forced to keep it short all the time. :-(
Have a great week!
Barb in TX

January & February ornaments

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