Not many i am afraid as we have heard from a few friends that some are having other activities being so near 'Sinterklaas'.
He's now sleeping peacefully and we've just finished putting up a few decorations as well as our gift, this mountain bike in the living room. He is sure be happy to see it in the morning as it's one he really wants to have. We had said it cost too much so he'd better not expecting such but he's doing very well at school and with all the changes over here we thought it will be a very good motivation to keep up. This is sure an exemption especially that it's very near 'Sinterklaas'were we need to buy more gifts for them.
Well, i've received a few mails about a couple of x'mas/b-day packages and i am so happy to hear it all arrives safely. I hope to send a note back after the weekend, i am off to bed now as it's over midnight and have to be early tomorrow.
Wish you all a very good weekend!