Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Max was sick & x'mas cards

I started to catch up on my mails(which i noticed a few are from last weekend and needed some responding) as well as a few groups. I was able to send a few messages back but then MIL called and had been on the phone for a while and before that DH too. It's quite early, around 11am but last night i went to bed very late.

Max was sick last night that is why he was quite uneasy, he's been in and out a few times and at around 11:30pm, while inside in the living room he vomitted and lots! Luckily it was on the blanket i usually placed for him to lie down, so i gather that and thrown it all out. But he did it again at the side kitchen on the tiles so i have to use papers and old cloths to clean it. I can't stand it, i start to vomit as well. This kind of thing is ussually dh's job but he isn't here.
Anyway, i waited till he calm down before going to bed, i think around 1am and i am glad nothing more happened during the night.
Been for a long walks twice today, weather was better than predicted last night and been to a friends place for a cup of coffee so i haven't done much stitching at all.

Anyway, a few more are awaiting some response from me and will do that later this week. Thought i can do it all tonight but i do feel very sleepy. I am sorry.

These cards were stitched a while back and made it into cards recently.

Thank you all so much for stopping by and all the lovely comments. Hope everyone are having a good week.


Ranae said...

Awwww! I do hope Max gets feeling better.
Love the cards

mainely stitching said...

Ugh. I'm also not good at those sorts of chores. :(

Olga said...

Poor Max, I hope he is better now.
Nice cards!

Linda in MA said...

I hope poor Max is feeling better today. I am also not good at those chores. The cards are cute, especially the snowman.

Linda in MA

Tama said...

Ouch, poor Max *and* you!
But those cards are really cute!!

Carmen said...

i hope max is better today,
the card look great!

Christine said...

Ugh! Poor you and poor Max too!
The cards are lovely

Joke said...

Nice cards, Mylene. Is poor Max better now? I hope so!

Sally said...

I hope Max is feeling much better today.

Love the cards.

Debra said...

Your cards are always so nice.
Debra in Indiana

Terry said...

Hope Max is feeling a lot better today. Not fun cleaning that stuff up! Hopefully you can get some rest today to make up for the late night last night. Cards are cute.

Annie said...

Very nice cards. And you've been tagged again!

Julie said...

Poor Max and poor you, i hope he's all recovered now.
Lovely cards

Lillie said...

Lovely cards, sorry Max is not well, hoped you get some rest too and a good weekend :D

Dani - tkdchick said...

Lovely cards.

Anonymous said...

Your cards are very nice. Hope Max is feeling better and you too. I'm not good at that type of cleaning up, either. Don't know how nurses manage. Take care of yourself and hope you get some rest.
Barb in TX

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...