Saturday, September 09, 2006

The first week of school went well for Grace and Chris, only getting up early in the morning were a bit of a problem. Next week will be more busy for them as other activities outside school are starting too, like the Chess club and gymnastic for both, and swimming lesson for Chris.

With stitching, did quite a lot mostly for blocks/quilts for the yahoo groups, a few cards for birthday exchange. This morning, got an unexpected call from my boss if i can help them tonight and since we don't have anything planned i agreed. When i get in at six PM, i noticed one of our colleages who ussually work these weekend were not there and heard later that she just walked out the door during lunch as she can't take it anymore, being short staff and too busy. Honestly, it is not that fine with everyone at work these last months!

This is one of my finish this week:


Elizabeth Braun said...

You seem to be doing well with your exchanges etc, Mylene! I don't join in them myself as there's too much chance I'd be late with them and the deadline can steal the fun sometimes.

I know what you mean (in your comment on my blog) about not having time to stitch for self. I would LOVE to keep that needlecase, but I'm busy on with that cushion for a friend and that dog as well. Then, the sky's the limit and I have fabric and thread enough to do another needlecase for me in green.=)


Wendy said...

Hi Mylene~ the first week back at school is always hard to get back into our routines! I hope its a little easier for all next week.

Lillie said...

An adorable piece. Do take care and don't over stressed :)

Margaret said...

What a cute finish Mylene.
It seems we're always so busy when the kids are young, but it is a fun time we later fondly look back at.
Hope the atmosphere at work will improve soon.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...