Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January-Christmas finishes

Completed this one into a pinkeep. Thought at first to do it heart shape but í find the aida not easy to fold. Might try to stitch it on white linen/evenweave next time... i hope. This design is from Jo Verso which was featured in one of the quick and Easy magazines years a go. Stitched on 14ct red Aida with blanc DMC thread.

Was able to finished these two cards as well. These are from Cross Stitch Crazy Magazine.

Have a bit of headache probably from the cold. Been for a walk this morning with DH for about an hour, he said he wants to get out for a walk and fresh air. Outside temperature today is about 7 degrees celcius with a bit of wind and its at the dyke so it's really open. After lunch i had promised to go for a walk with a friend so off i went and this time more than an hour. So i have enough exercise for the week as we've been for a walk yesterday as well(with DH).


Wanda said...

Great job on your pinkeep! Already getting your christmas cards ready very smart Mylene!

mainely stitching said...

Your walks sound lovely. :) And a great job on your pinkeep!!

Karan said...

Wow, Christmas stitching already - you are organised Mylene! Another lovely pin keep too.
Walking in cold weather always gives me a headache too - it's the cold on my ears & sinus that seem to set it off. Hope you're feeling better now (((hugs))).

Dawn T. said...

All three look fantastic:)

Anonymous said...

Your pinkeep looks lovely and those cards are cute too.

Carmen said...

all the finish are so pretty!
be care form the cold...hugs

Elizabeth Braun said...

So, you've got a head start on next year, huh?

How's the hardanger coming on? Are the good magazines still published in the Netherlands? I couldn't find any in Germany on my last trip or two.=( Not that I'm short of patterns, it's just nice to get stitching mags whilst you're abroad, isn't it?

Sally said...

Oh wow your pinkeep is gorgeous as are your cards.

Dawn B. said...

Love all ...Congrats on the finishes

glenda said...

Love the design on this one. The fabby on the back is lovely!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful work. Glad you joined the Christmas ornament blog. Your weather sounds just awfully cold. Be sure to stay inside with something warm to drink.
Barb in TX

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...