Wednesday, May 28, 2008


Finally completed my piece for the Freebie exchange and now ready to post off tomorrow.
Worked on Nature's beauty and here's my update so far.

Also had worked on the SAL for the Dutch yahoo group, so glad i've catch up with this one and waiting for the next part next week. Does anyone know or idea what's this piece will be? I don't have no clue at all!

Just took this picture early this evening of Chris and Floortje. She's staying over for the night as her mother's out with her colleauges.
She's the youngest sister of DH. Floortje is a month older than Chris and they are both in the same class so they'll be going together to school tomorrow morning.

Just want to share more pictures of my flower pots at the back of our house. The first two pots, i didn't know the colours when i put them to the pots otherwise i should have a better arrangements for colour combination.

Feel a lot better today, thanks so much for all the well wishes. Also thanks so much for stopping by especially to those who left comments. I really appreciate them all.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

SFE for Sarah!!

Sarah's theme for the SFE(small finished exchange) at ILCS yahoo group was whimsical cows so here's what i've stitched and finished into a pinkeep. It's from Cross Stitcher magazine design by Lesley Teare. Now i noticed it's the same designer with the blue tit scissor fob from my last post. Just heard that she've received it and so glad to hear she likes it too.
Next theme for the SFE is Celtic design for the month of June. Still no clue which to stitch...????

I've been on my feet for more than 9 hours today at work, short of stuff and it's busy as it rained on and off. It's not only my back that's painful but it seems my whole body, glad didn't have to walk the dog tonight as i called earlier this evening to DH not to wait for me for taking the dog out as i am really tired!!So glad i am free till friday!

For the freebie exchange was already stitched only have to finish it off, hope to mail it by friday, i think that is the deadline too.

Thank you all for stopping by, really appreciate all your lovely comments.

Monday, May 26, 2008

SBEBB feathered friends Exchange and ILCS SFE

Received my package for the Feathered Friends Exchange from Donna!!!
She made a lovely needlebook and she say's it's her first time with this finishing but it turned out great. Thanks so much and also for all the extra goodies enclosed!!

I've read that my partner Sandra received my package for this exchange too. I've stitched this 'Welcome' piece, a freebie of Prairie Schooler design and the Blue Tit scissor fob is from The Magazine Cross Stitcher design by Lesley Teare.

This is a pic of the whole package i sent. And glad to hear you like them all, Sandra!

This box is from Debra for the Small Finished Exchange of ILCS Yahoo group. It's stitched one over one and you finished it so neatly, Debra. Thank you so much.

Got to go and walk the dog, and hope to work on my Freebie exchange, but my back is quite painful, had really a long day at work and tomorrow too.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by and all the lovely comments. I really appreciate them all.

Hope everyone have a nice week!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Dogs!! one came in the other have to go...

Here's me and my DD Grace with Max and Bugs(the white one). Bugs was brought in this morning to stay with us for a week as the owner went for a week vacation. I've agreed to take care of him(Bugs) before the owner of the other one(Max) had asked to have Max for two weeks. We can't have them both at the same time, especially now we discover that Max felt jealous and does shows it. Glad the owner's DS came home for the weekend so DH took him home this evening. Ohhh, we does get use having him around and we surely miss his company.

Here's Grace and her friend Sar who is staying for the night as her parents away for the evening.

An update of "Nature's Beauty". Much as i love working on this i have to work on a couple of exchanges first so have to put it aside for a while.

I am afraid no stitching for the weekend either as we are going for Chris football the whole afternoon and then to a 50th birthday party in the evening.

Thanks so much to all who stop by and leaving lovely comments. Looking forward to see some x'mas updates as some of you mentioned to work on it.

I am off to bed soon as i really feel so tired, hope to catch up with blog reading by sunday evening.

Wish you all a lovely weekend!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Christmas ornament SAL

Here's my christmas ornament SAL for the month of May. The design is from Quick and Easy magazine from last year. Stitched on 14ct white aida and used DMC threads.

Also made a couple of cards, the designs from U.K. Cross Stitcher magazine. I am behind with my christmas cards as i had planned to make at least two each month and i have only 4 so far.

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and all the lovely comments. I really appreciate them all.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Floss Ring Tags!!

Here's another try out with the tags! The first flower above is a part of one of the LHN design and the other one is from one of the U.K magazine.

You are right Christine about the plastic bit and hit it with the hammer. At first, it took me a while to find out how to use the plastic one enclosed with the eyelets.
Barbara i bought it from the shop: Witte Engel here on the island. I can get you one and send it to you if you cannot find it there.

Joined a mysterie SAL on one of the yahoo group here locally. It will take a long time before this will be finish as it's divided into 25 parts and this picture shows the first two parts. I am behind though as i've noticed the group has completed 4 parts already.

The whole morning we've been at the football fields for Chris. Thought it will be cancelled as it's raining though not heavily. They win three out of five games.
We have another company this weekend, Mels is staying with us too as his parents been for an outing. His two sisters are staying at their grandma's place. He's becoming a part of the family as he's been here for nearly a week last week too.

Thank you all so much for stopping by and all the lovely comments.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

We have company!

Max was dropped here this afternoon! He sure is happy when he came in jumping up and down and at everyone. He knows the place and he knows we take him out three times daily for a walk along the dyke where he's free to run and play.

He lives in town so this is a kind of vacation for him and we love to have him. The owner is leaving tomorrow morning to Taiwan for ten days.

In between working on a couple of exchanges, i started "Nature's Beauty" of Little House Needleworks.

Gaby asked about the eyelets when i posted my first Floss Ring Tag last week. Yes, it is two parts and here's a picture of it. Actually it's came or made from Germany, hope you can find it there Gaby, otherwise let me know. Can't find your e-mail address so i hope you will see this message.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

PIF and Lovely Goodies!!!

Received a lovely package from Wanda!!! She made a Floss Ring Tag for my PIF and it is beautiful and so neatly done! I LOVE it. Also the Belle Soie threads that hang on the ring tag are just gorgeous. Only had experienced using one of this kind, the 'Rose of Sharon' and do really like the feel of it.

Here's a picture of the whole package. See all these lovely fabrics? I love all the different colours you have chosen, Wanda and my very first Altoids tin, plus an evenweave fabric and the needles. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Wanda!!

The weather still good, a bit windy but sunny and predicted it gets cooler the next coming days and might rain too. I do welcome the rain as it haven't rain here for more than a month now i think. Here are a few pictures i've taken of some my flowers this afternoon.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by and all the lovely comments. Really appreciate them all.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wedding & mother's day!!

I've been to a wedding yesterday of one of my colleague, Stella. Just want to share a few pictures i've taken in the afternoon during the ceremony at the city hall and then followed by the party in the evening at the groom's parent's place.

It was quite fun, did lots of dancing my feet are a bit painful when i came home after 1AM. These young couple sure had a great day and will be heading to the bahama's tomorrow for about two weeks vacation!!

After a short night sleep, i was woken by the kids with breakfast on a tray which they've preprared all by themselves. I think the first time that Garce used the oven for the croissant. It was really sweet of them and such a great surprise and also received some gifts they've bought and made.

After our visit at MIL's place at midday, we went to the beach for a couple of hours. Here's Grace and one of her friends, sunbathing.

That's Dh's who just came out from the water and Chris holding a spade. Took the picture from quite a distance, the sand was quite warm and i am a bit lazy to go near the waterfront. I think the water temperature is around 14 degrees celcius, still pretty cold to go swimming!!

This should be a surprise for me, out to dinner from dh but he had to mention it yeterday as a friend had invited us for a barbecue and i had agreed and offered to make a couple of dishes. So, dh had no choice than to mention about his reservation. Isn't that sweet of him!
In all, i really had a great mother's day, thanks to my wonderful hubby and kids!!
I do hope all mum's had or having a great day too!!

It was pretty busy here lately and i will be working these coming days till wednesday. So, won't be much online. Will send you a note Gaby and Christine later this week.
Thank you all so much for stopping by.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Floss ring tag!

Here's my first try out with making floss ring tag, after receiving the rings from Sandra the other day, i really had to do one. Since monday, LHN designs are on my table, thought to stitch part of one of the charts, as the threads are all kitted up so it didn't take long to finish one. This flower is from the "Season of Hope".

Been to a couple of shops this morning looking for the eyelets but no success.
This afternoon, had to take the boys for football training in town and since i have to wait for an hour, i went to another shop and YES! found one!! After dinner, i added the eyelet and here it is. I am so sorry for the poor picture. I think i have to take another picture in daylight...

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...