Thursday, May 15, 2008

We have company!

Max was dropped here this afternoon! He sure is happy when he came in jumping up and down and at everyone. He knows the place and he knows we take him out three times daily for a walk along the dyke where he's free to run and play.

He lives in town so this is a kind of vacation for him and we love to have him. The owner is leaving tomorrow morning to Taiwan for ten days.

In between working on a couple of exchanges, i started "Nature's Beauty" of Little House Needleworks.

Gaby asked about the eyelets when i posted my first Floss Ring Tag last week. Yes, it is two parts and here's a picture of it. Actually it's came or made from Germany, hope you can find it there Gaby, otherwise let me know. Can't find your e-mail address so i hope you will see this message.

Thanks so much everyone for stopping by!


Julie said...

Nice start on Natures Beauty

Max is a lovely dog!

Dawn T. said...

Max is a lucky dog to be able to come and visit you and your family! He is really adorable:)

Carol said...

Aw, so nice for you to have Max for a while :-)

Stitchingranny said...

What a handsome fellow and I am sure you will enjoy all the walks just as much as he does.

Christine said...

Good start on the LHN piece. I think I recognise the eyelets now, I've used snap fasteners that work like that. You put them in that plastic bit and hit them with a hammer right?

Sally said...

Nature's Beauty is looking lovely Mylene.

Max looks so happy:) He is a lovely dog.

Einschies blog said...

Thx for answering Mylene, well I saw Prym on the eyelets so I will go and see if Zweigart has them in their shop...I bought some already but they are just one part and the back doesn´t look nice...and I really want to do a floss Ring Tag too...a nice one with a nice back...surely,-)))


Chiloe said...

I really love the dog ;) You got a really nice package from Wanda ;)

mainely stitching said...

It's great to see Max again! I wish we could find such a big friend for our Rigby.

Hey, I have to ask where you buy your eyelets - is it a store, or do you order them?

Anonymous said...

lovely srart on Nature's beauty,
Max looks like he's having the time of his life! Thanks for sharing pictures of your beautiful family.
now I see what you use for your eyelets is it easy to work? I'm looking for an eyelet tool, me with a hammer would be dangerous lol

stitcherw said...

Nature's Beauty is so pretty, what a lovely new start. Max is such a beautiful dog, he remindes me so much of my Sasha. If he was all black they could almost be twins.

Karan said...

Will enjoy watching NB grow - love these LHN designs. :0)
Looks like Max is glad to be back in his second home. He looks such a happy dog. :0)

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...