Friday, May 23, 2008

Dogs!! one came in the other have to go...

Here's me and my DD Grace with Max and Bugs(the white one). Bugs was brought in this morning to stay with us for a week as the owner went for a week vacation. I've agreed to take care of him(Bugs) before the owner of the other one(Max) had asked to have Max for two weeks. We can't have them both at the same time, especially now we discover that Max felt jealous and does shows it. Glad the owner's DS came home for the weekend so DH took him home this evening. Ohhh, we does get use having him around and we surely miss his company.

Here's Grace and her friend Sar who is staying for the night as her parents away for the evening.

An update of "Nature's Beauty". Much as i love working on this i have to work on a couple of exchanges first so have to put it aside for a while.

I am afraid no stitching for the weekend either as we are going for Chris football the whole afternoon and then to a 50th birthday party in the evening.

Thanks so much to all who stop by and leaving lovely comments. Looking forward to see some x'mas updates as some of you mentioned to work on it.

I am off to bed soon as i really feel so tired, hope to catch up with blog reading by sunday evening.

Wish you all a lovely weekend!!


Shari said...

the pictures with the dogs are great!! They are both such BIG dogs!!! makes mine look tiny!!
The nature's beauty is looking wonderful!!!! You do such nice stitching!

Karan said...

Poor Max - he obviously thinks of you all as "his" family & doesn't want to share. Great pics.
Good progress on NB.
Sounds like a busy weekend - have a great time Mylene. :0)

mainely stitching said...

Are you and your family opening some sort of dog hostel? ;) Glad Max could go with a family member and get the attention he demands.

Lovely stitching.

I hope you have a great weekend!

Dawn T. said...

Both are very beautiful dogs!

Julie said...

Natures Beauty looks really good

Enjoy your weekend. Good Luck to Chris at the football match

stitcherw said...

To bad Max and Bugs don't get along better. Hopefully things have settled down a bit now that Max is back at his home. Nature's Beauty is looking so pretty, it would be a hard one to have to put down. Your finishes in your earlier post of the Ornament and cards were lovely too. I keep wanting to make cards for Christmas, but I never seem to get organied enough to get them done in time.

Sachiko said...

Your "Nature's Beauty" is so beautiful!

Lillie said...

Lovely dogs, how nice to be able to have the dogs every now and then. WIP is looking good

Have a good week

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...