Oakhaven designs
28ct white evenweave
DMC threads
Finished the stitching the other day and prepared the materials for finishing into a flatfold yesterday afternoon while waiting for the conference.
Love the fabric though which i've received from Wanda last year.
(You can click on all pictures to enlarge if you want)
Sunny and warm, a good coincidence that the outside swimming pool opened it's door today! I had to wait in line to get the subscription for Chris though and now Grace wanted one too. When i had ordered one a couple of weeks ago she said she doesn't need it as we are going away for a month in July but that is a long way yet and the swimming pool is open until half way os September.
Chris, the darker one playing with his niece and a couple of their classmates.
So, here we've spent the whole afternoon. After dinner, Grace had helped me mowed the backyard as she wants to go to town afterwards. The shops are opened longer(until 9pm) every vriday. While she went to the cosmetic shop i went for groceries. Now i don't need to get up very early tomorrow for that.
Thank you so much for the comments over my last post. From the news this evening, there are 7 dead already including the man who drove the car into the crowd. Still 8 people are in hospital.
Heel veel sterkte aan alle familieleden die iemand hebben verloren!
Your flatfold is finished so neatly! I'm just too messy when it comes to glue to even attempt one. But it really makes a nice finish.
Have a nice weekend!
Fantastic finish, really neat work! Brava :)
What a lovely flatfold!!! Kudos!! And enjoy your weekend, Mylene.
Mylene -
I love your flatfold. Looks like your family is already starting to enjoy the warm weather.
You are fast, Mylene. Love your flatfold, always admire your beautiful finishing. I join the Oakhaven Group after seeing your "Love Grows", will be stitching along soon.
you stitched that really quickly Mylene! Great job!!!!
Super finish of the flatfold, how pretty it is!
The kids look so happy in the swimming pool.
Sounds like a great day for all of you. An excellent finish for you and swimming for the kids. :)
I think your flatfold looks wonderful!
Beautiful flat fold, Mylene! It looks like the kids are having a wonderful time. :)
beautiful finish Mylene,look really gorgeous.
here is still to cold..
have a nice weekend.
A beautiful finish Mylene - fabric suits it so well. Great pics of the kids enjoying themselves. :0)
You finished a perfect flatfold, ribbon and all.
That pool looks so refreshing and fun
Beautiful flatfold Mylene. Enjoy your weekend
Thats a great design and perfect for a flatfold.
Gonna have to look up that chart
You stitched that up really quickly Mylene. I love how you finished it.
Beautiful flatfold, i like the ribbon
That's a gorgeous flatfold!
Hi Mylene
Your flatfold looks great.
I hope the swimming pool is heated. It is way too cold over here to be swimming outside at the moment.
Have a great weekend.
Happy Stitching
You did a wonderful job on your flatfold.
I hope you're enjoying the weekend.
Your flatfold is fantastic. And so perfectly finished.
Your flatfold is lovely Mylene, and the fabric is so pretty! Chris and Grace look like they're having a whale of a time at the pool!
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog. From now on I hope to be more on the computer so I can follow again all of the wonderful blogs.Your flatfold is absolutely lovely!
Have a nice sunday evening.
Beautiful flatfold, that outdoor pool looks like great fun
Lovely finish!
Great flatfold finish! Looks like you had fun at the pool.
Fantastic stitching -- awesome flatfold (for finishing). Looks great!!
Fabulous flatfold! Great job Mylene!
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