Tuesday, May 26, 2009

started a new project and an update on an old WIP!

Since i've seen this sampler on one of the U.K magazine years ago i really wanted to stitch it, i've cut it out off the magazine then and added to my pile of todo list which is really quite a pile as i had forgotten about it for a year or two. When i was looking at one of the todo pile maps lately i've encountered it and immediately went looking for the threads/fabric needed and here is what i've started. I am not so happy with the colour threads given but i don't like to frog it now.

This is an old WIP which was always put aside and forgotten...no not really, last i run out of the WDW threads i was using and always forgot to order more. It has arrived last week so now i don't have an excuse! The picture on the right was the new update.

Anyway, you are all probably wondering about the ZUMBA dance i went too. Infact, been to this evening for the second time. The first time, i was really lost! I can't follow most of the steps as it wasn't really shown slowly, not sure why but the last days i did practice with the help of films from youtube! This evening, i can say i felt a lot better though i still have to do more on my hips and shoulder.

Grace HIP-HOP went very well too, much much better than me. Well she's been doin street dance for the last three years, so following steps are quite easy for her.

Chris did very well with his guitar too and actually his test lessons are over but we asked if he can continue taking lessons now and not wait till the next season which is in September and it was fine. So he's having lesson once a week.

Here are some pictures taken during our outing last friday to MADURODAM. About the miniature city, you can read more about it here and if you want to see more pictures, there are lots over here here.

Thanks so much for stopping by and all the lovely comments. I really appreciate them all!! Hope you are all having a good week.


CJ in OK ;-) said...

Oh no please don't frog it, I love the colors in this sampler and I think it will be beautiful in the end. The quaker design is looking good too, you are so lucky the thread colors matched up on the new skein. The miniature city looks like great fun, thanks for sharing that. CJ ok;-)

Ellen said...

Love your Quaker WIP! It's in my favourite color too. Enjoy touring your miniature city.


Jackie said...

That's sounds fun ! Wish we were there !!

Loved the sampler...cant wait for u to finish it.

Dont give up on the dance, it takes time ! Believe me, after a few more rounds, you wil be good! Keep it up. Looks like the kids are having fun with such good progress.

Jeanie said...

I'm sure once your sampler is completed, the colors will look lovely :)
Can't wait to see your Quaker finish.

Keep on dancing ;)

Loraine said...

I think the Quaker is wonderful, and the other sampler is fun as well! Don't worry about frogging it. I know it will be great when it's done.

What a fun miniature city! I would love to visit sometime.

Annette said...

What a lovely WIP's.
What a nice foto's of the day Madurodam and a lovely weather

Christine said...

I really like the new sampler you started, I would leave the colors as they are, they're really pretty.
Looks like a wonderful day out at Madurodam

Carmen said...

the sampler look really great Myleene, the color look pretty too.

Annie said...

Your stitching looks so pretty. I'm about to put some time in on a WIP that's been hanging around forever too.

I went to Madurodam many years ago. What a fun place. Like stepping into a doll village to play. Looks like you had great fun!

Julie said...

The sampler looks really nice and pretty, but i love the quaker design.
Nice pics from your trip,

Siobhán said...

The trip to the mini city looks like great fun! Love your WIP pics, both projects are lovely.

Ranae said...

Oh! I love the colors in the Sampler.
hey! I forgot I had that quaker in a pile around here somewhere
Looks like the weather was beautiful for the Madurodam.

Sally said...

I love the colours in your sampler Mylene. It's really pretty. Can you tell my which mag it's from please?

Your Quaker Sampler is lovely too.

CindyMae said...

The Sampler that you have started is gorgeous and you have made a beautiful start! I also just love the Quaker Row and the progress you have made on it. I love that design and need to add it to my wish list! The family outing pics are great. The city looks awesome!

too_busy_to_stitch said...

It loves lovely Mylene - lovely family photos too - I think that we might investigate going there, maybe next year when we hope to stay in The Netherlands again, but further north, near the coast.

atelierlemlem said...

Hoi! Wat een gezellige blogjes heb je weer geschreven, ik ben een tijdje niet geweest (er zijn zoveel leuke blogs..) dus ik had wat in te halen. Het zumba dansen lijkt mij grappig, gek en leuk tegelijk hoor! Volgens mij kom je thuis met buikpijn van het lachen.. Maar het is natuurlijk wel lekker om even te ontspannen! Ik zie dat je een gezellige dag in Madurodam hebt gehad, leuk! En je zoon zou zó met de onze derde zoon kunnen spelen. Net zo'n knulletje. Of eigenlijk zo tussen kind en puber in. Heerlijk he? Hoe heb je je haar toch zo prachtig lang gekregen??? Ik doe al jaren mijn best, ik had het eerst over mijn billen, maar na een radicale knipbeurt (tot bh hoogte) is het gewoon niet verder gekomen dan mijn taille. Na twee jaar heb ik het weer een beetje bij laten knippen door mijn moeder (de kapper knipt er teveel af ben ik bang..) en nu is het weer boven de taille. Snik! Ik wil het ook weer zo lang. Mijn zusje heeft het vier jaar geleden tot op haar schouder geknipt en kan er nu alweer op zitten, terwijl ze heel erg groot is ook nog. Ik snap er niets van...heb je nog tips?
De prijzen die je in de laatste post gewonnen hebt zijn heel mooi. Zulk borduurwerk kun je in ons stadje helemaal niet vinden. Vooral de kerstuitvoering is heel mooi..

Lillie said...

Great photos from the family outings. Thanks for sharing.
Loved that sampler and you've made good progress, the quaker too.

glenda said...

Neat projects! It's so much fun to pull an old project out after awhile, seems like new :)

Brigitte said...

The Quaker project looks very lovely. And love your new start, including the colours you used.

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...