Thursday, November 24, 2005

Still no pics...

Not much to report with regards to stitching. Though i manage to send most of the packages for all the exchanges i am in, only two left and hopefully by monday. Almost all the x'mas cards for overseas were sent as well, just a few more for penpals but i need to finish them off yet. I started cleaning/clearing up especially the toys of Chris to give more space for next week, his six birthday.
I did received a few packages this week, one is for 'sinterklaas exchange'which i have to guess who has make the ornament i had received on the 5th of December. It is a 'biscornu'(like pin cushion) and it is just gorgeous, will post a pic tomorrow. Another package i still have to open it up as i got a go ahead to do so. It should have to wait till x'mas but i send an e-mail that my b-day is on the 24th dec and lots of cards are already waiting for that day..hope she'll let me...


Lelia said...

Looking forward to viewing the biscornu photo

Mylene said...

Hi Lelia, i have to wait till the 5th of Dec. to be able to post a pic of this, as this was an exchange which have to be revealed on the 5th.

...back in the cold.. Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...