Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Last finishes for the month of January!!

Today, Chris feels better, no more stomach pains but still don't like to eat but drinks lot so it is fine. He wants to go to school but tomorrow is free day for them, every wednesday. Hopefully, on thursday.

These are the last finishes for this month. Work on it while watching dvd with Chris and while he's playing with his play mobiles. We did jigsaw (puzzle) after dinner, that was 200 pieces. I helped him with edges and the he finished it off. DH and i are quite surprised.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Chris is not feeling well

We didn't let Chris go to school today. Last night when they are about to go to bed he started vomitting and done so many times during the night. No fever but he complains of having pains in his stomach. Around 5am when i heard his last call and dh went and stayed in his room. Still not well this morning as he vomitted what he has just eaten, a plain biscuits and thee.

Haven't done much stitching this weekend, so no pictures to share. I was trying to organize my stitching stuff...still not done, played games with the kids and visited MIL sunday morning.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Today's Menu!

Thanks so much Elisabeth, Dawn, Von for dropping by. I quickly posted those pics this morning, and then went out for groceries and then houseworks...One of our neighbour is still in hospital and i promised to take care of her cats & fishes and did some tidying up to.

No stitching for me today but i found an old project and perhaps i can work on it this weekend. So far, we don't have anything plans, ussually weekend is for visiting or family/friends are coming over.

rr done & a card

I am really happy this one is finally finished and in time for the next posting the beginning of February. I wonder what i get next??

Also stitched a quick one for a wedding card, and it is now on it's way to Canada!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Hardanger Angel

It is way past midnight but thought i'll post the pic of the hardanger angel that the cutting was already done. Now it is ready for coming x'mas!!!

Aside from that i haven't done much stitching, it was not a busy day today but i just don't have the mood to stitch, but i've spent hours on the phone though, friends and family at home in the philippines and sister in canada but she's at work so had chatted with her dh instead.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The Meme of Fours

The Meme of Fours
I got tagged byDawn
Thanks Dawn, haven't done this kind yet so here it goes.....

Four Jobs I Have Had in My Life:
1. Nanny
2. Waitress
3. Wife/Mom

Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Harry Potter series
2. Sound of Music
3. Disney films
4. Mr Bean

Four Places I Have Lived:
1. Ifugao, Philippines
2. Baguio, Philippines
3. Kowloon, Hongkong
4. Texel, The Netherlands

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch:
1. Spongebob Squarepants (with Chris)
2. Boy meets world (with Grace)
3. CSI Miami
4. Evening News

Four Places I Have Been on Vacation:
1. Lommel, Belgium
2. Iloilo, Philippines
3. Hongkong
4. Alabama, U.S.A

Four Websites I Visit Daily:
1. Bloglines
2. Hardanger Linkpage
3. Yahoo groups
4. My blog

Four of My Favorite Foods:
1. Sushi
2. Chicken
3. Shrimp
4. Fruits

Four Albums I Can't Live Without:
I like country music and listen to it when i get the chance, otherwise the
children ussually change it to one of theirs.

Four Places I'd Rather Be:
Here is very cold at the moment i'd rather be home in the Philippines.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Didn't touch the needle today!

Whew! i feel sooooo tired!! We've been to the mainland for a friends birthday as well as to see there new place as they've transfered last year and finally done with all the renovations or changes. Before that they lived in Apeldoorn and now in Enkhuizen. A bit more than an hour drive after the ferry. Since, we know who are all invited and there children are all big enough to stay behind, we left our kids at one of our friendds here. It was better for them too otherwise they'll fill bored around adults and where they stayed have small children.
We came home at six and went straight to picked them up but stayed for a few drinks, until it was after eight. We are having a good time chatting while the kids playing too, they don't want to go home anymore but they have to go to school tomorrow.

Well, i am not in the mood for stitching tonight...i think it will be an early night for me. I'll just sign up a few birthday cards to be send tomorrow and tidy up the washing and that's it for me tonight.

This block was finished a couple of days ago.

Friday, January 20, 2006

I've been stitching more...!!

First of all 'thanks so much for visiting and signing on in my blog'. Sometimes, i am not in the mood for blogging for i don't know if anyone's coming in for a look. And sometimes the language barrier, there are times that what i wanted to write- thinking in dutch but can't get to translate it in good english version. So puts me off sometimes, i just hope whatever my mistakes here you all will understand. I can speak a few different languages but not fluently especially in writing, face to face conversation i can handle that but to put in writing...is another matter.

Okey, here's what i had done so far with the hardanger, the weaving/picot. The last thing will be the cutting now. I have to wait till i am alone, i mean the children are not around otherwise i can get easily distracted with whatever they needed to ask or want.

Two more blocks completed for the yahoo groups. It seems all my projects these days were all small ones. Perhaps, i have to dig where i hide some of the ufo's, i am sure there are big ones there needed to be work on.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Just a few pics...

Received this one back last week, this is a part of my roundrobin last year that wasn't filled. One of the group offered to stitched another pic which was this one. I still need two more blocks to complete the serie i wanted on my piece.

I was looking through some of the magazines for a block i want to stitch when i came across this unfinished project. I remember i started this one the year 2004, i don't know why i haven't completed it. But i will do soon.

I finished this celtic block before the weekend, it was a freebie of american whimsy, i just wish i had done it in another colour than this one. Well i was in a hurry to complete it so i just followed the given colours.

This card was finished last week too, but can't post the pic earlier till it was received. I am sure by now it was already in the U.K.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Country Companions rr

Here is my progress so far yesterday on this rr. It is a really a pain with all the different colour changes. But i think it is not much to be done anymore. Aside from this rr i am stitching a few small gifts, quite simple ones though. I think not much stitching this weekend, will take Grace for shopping, mainly for her clothes, hope she'll like it. It's because we have to go to the mainland for it and she doesn't want to travel that long. And she have to go to her swimming club first in the morning, so i can understand is quite tired already.
Well, we'll see tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

A nice package came in today!

I receive this beautiful needleroll this afternoon, from Debra S. I love it. Thank you very much!!

Here is another attempt for me finishing a pincushion. I made it for Renate.

I am still working on the Country Companions, hopefully will finish it early next week as i have two more rr's waiting to be stitch.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Country Companions

I thought the next rr i am going to work on was forever friends but it wasn't, it was of country companions. Here's what i've done so far. I find it a bit difficult to stitch it at night and the last days was pretty dark at daytime.

To have a break with the cc piece, i stitched this simple bookmark from the chart that my ss had sent last month.
Haven't done any stitching last weekend, saturday i went to the cinema with Grace to see Harry Potter 4. And the next day, to MIL's place. Our children don't feel comfortable there especially that there other cousins didn't come so we didn't stayed long. Back home and had a simple lunch and then went to SIL's place as we haven't seen them the beginning of January. There children are grown up and out the house. We took the gameboys for Grace and Chris so they've been palying with that, at least they weren't bored!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

more finishes!!!

I stitched this one yesterday which is for a rr, i discovered quite late that this is due to be send on the 7th of January. Glad it wasn't a big piece. The next rr i have to stitch is one of forever friends and it is with lots of backstitching. I am not that fun with backstitching!

And this is my first finished from the mag. JCS 2005. Will complete it into an ornament.

I started another one too, O Christmas tree but i got short of the Sample Threads so this one will have to wait. Anyway, i have to stitch a rr, a few b-day cards and probably a celtic block piece.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year To All!!!!!!!

We are invited last night to welcome the new year at a friends place. More friends were invited and have kids too so it was good for our children. They are quite good and done some games on another table while the adults chatted!! After the toast at midnight, the guys with children went outside for the fireworks. I went out for a few minutes but i find it scary, it is quite a busy neighbourhood, and it was raining a bit so i went inside and just look out through the window.
After half an hour they all came inside and had a few more drinks. We finally left at around 3AM, and still the kids doesn't want to leave.
Since i don't have to prepare anything yesterday, i did some stitching instead and completed these cards for a birthday exchange(stitched) for this month, January.

Also finished this small hardanger into a pin cushion!

Woke up very late today and glad feeling good after all the drinks last night!! After lunch, we all settle down and watch tv and did some stitching. Completed another pin cushion, just not satisfied with this one as it turn out bigger than i had expected. Now it's done and this is my first finished for the year 2006!!!

...back in the cold..

...to Holland the other day. Gonna be a while before i get back to waking up on normal hours here being at home 7 hours ahead of here. Woke ...